The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 867 Asking Mo Wuchen to Visit the Lake 5

Chapter 867 Asking Mo Wuchen to Visit the Lake 5
There are some things you can joke about, some things you can't, and so on.

It's better not to be misunderstood, although, she never cared about other people's eyes.

Even when she was training in the bamboo forest for the first time, when frivolously said that she was the future daughter-in-law, she didn't take it seriously.

Joking is a common thing between them, so this kind of thing can be seen without any surprises, and there is nothing unusual at all.

Just like they called her sister-in-law, she didn't really care too much, as long as it was a joke, no one would take it seriously.
The relationship between her and frivolity is very innocent, and this is a fact known to everyone, so it's okay for her to say something.

Feimo nodded, and said with certainty, "I understand, Qingyin, you don't need to remind me." Of course he knew that she had always been called Brother Flirty, but that didn't mean that there was nothing tricky between them.

If it is really not tricky, no one will believe it.

Qingyin hadn't observed it, but he did. He found that sometimes frivolous would always stare at Qingyin a few times.
Although it was just a few glances, the meaning contained in it was great.

A smile flashed across Qingyin's eyes: "It's good if you can understand." How could she know that what she understands is not what the other understands, and what the two of them understand is not the same.

However, none of this affected their conversation.

Frivolous lying sideways on the soft couch, very leisurely, lazily yawned, Ru Mo's eyes didn't look at anyone again, the corners of the thin lips outlined a shallow arc, the evil in the eyes meaning across.

Although Mo Wuchen didn't speak, he could hear and see the conversation of several people.

There was no change in her eyes, she quietly leaned against the car window, looked at the blue sky outside the window, her heart was as still as still water.

Feng Jin raised her eyes to look at Mo Wuchen, retracted her eyes, and lowered her eyes, wondering what was in her mind.

The quiet atmosphere in the car was restored again, but soon, Fengyin Lake also arrived.

Li Feng had already sent people to prepare a large boat, and everything in the boat was readily available.

The people by the lake watched the children carved in pink and jade get on the big boat, and they couldn't help sighing in their hearts, what a delicate child.

Each of them is so beautiful and lovely, and each has a different aura, but it is undeniable that they are all outstanding, dragons and phoenixes among the people.

A white dress flashed across the car, and the man who caught everyone's eyes was a man who looked like a banished fairy. The white clothes were more beautiful than the snow, and he was so beautiful that he was so elegant. feel.

The people around all sighed again, and their eyes were filled with astonishment.

This group of people, no matter they are children or adults, are so outstanding and outstanding, they are really beautiful and indescribable, they are all the darlings of God, and everything perfect is given to them!
The big boat sailed slowly towards the inner circle of Fengyin Lake, and slowly disappeared from everyone's sight.

If it wasn't for everyone seeing it together, they would definitely think it was just their illusion, just fiction, just ethereal.

However, all of this has actually existed.
Feng Jin stood at the bow of the boat, looking at the lake with faint waves, feeling boundless in her heart.

"Feng Jin." A frivolous voice came from behind.

Feng Jin turned her head and chuckled: "Brother." Her brother understood her and knew what she was thinking.

(End of this chapter)

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