Chapter 868

Shi Tian and the others were all inside the boat, waiting for their figures.

A smile flashed across the frivolous eyes, and he raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Jin: "Have you made up your mind?" Already here, has she made up her mind?
Feng Jin nodded: "Well, think about it." If she hadn't thought about it, she wouldn't be here today.

"Okay, you wait here, I'll call Wuchen out." He nodded frivolously with a smile, then turned and walked towards the cabin.

No matter what she decides, he will support her.

Feng Jin looked at the frivolous disappearing figure, the corners of her lips slowly curled up, and she turned her head to look around, when she saw one of the tallest trees, a gleam flashed in her eyes, and the figure flew up, Quickly go towards the big tree.

In just a few blinks, it had disappeared.

The small figure was blocked by the branch, and people outside couldn't see it clearly.

After frivolously walking into the cabin, he looked up at Mo Wuchen and went straight to the topic: "Wuchen, Feng Jin is looking for you." There was a smile in his eyes.

Mo Wuchen looked frivolously in his eyes, nodded: "Okay." Standing up, he walked out of the cabin.

Qingxue whistled: "Frivolous, what secret does Feng Jin want to keep from us?"

She just said, that girl didn't come in for a long time, so she had something to say to Mo Wuchen.

The corners of frivolous lips curled up: "Even if there are some secrets, won't you listen to them?"

Qingxue clapped her hands: "You really know my heart." After finishing speaking, she raised her eyebrows and glanced at Qingyin and Shitian, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's listen to the corner."

This kind of gossip is what she likes to hear the most.

Qingyin nodded: "That's exactly what I mean." She also thought the same.

However, just after the five of them took a few steps, they were stopped by frivolity: "Not today, Feng Jin has important things to do, so don't disturb them."
Today is different from the past.
In the past, they could run amok, listen to the corner, and follow the theater.But today, it is not possible.

They just came here for fun, the affairs of those two have nothing to do with them, they can't get involved.

Qingxue narrowed her eyes slightly, raised her eyebrows and looked frivolously: "What does Feng Jin mean?"

If it was normal, there would be no such thing at all.

There was a smile in frivolous eyes, and he nodded: "Well, today we are just here to swim in the lake, and we don't want to interfere with other things." That's Feng Jin's meaning, they don't want to interfere and listen.

Then, he will not be disturbed by others, and the same is true for him, he will not go outside.

Qingyin raised her eyebrows: "I just said that you have been acting weird these past few days, so it turns out that there is really something hiding from us."
That feeling is really true, they really have something to hide from them, are they going to implement it or do something today?

Leaning at Qingyin frivolously, he gave an evil smile: "Little Qingyin, what do you think I will hide from you?"

Without waiting for Qingyin to speak, she spoke again: "This is what Feng Jin meant, not mine. I always support and agree with her decisions without any objection."

As long as Feng Jin wants to do something, he will help her.

Qingyin jokingly smiled: "Frivolous brother, hasn't Feng Jin already confessed his love? Could it be that he has to confess his love again?" Could it be that he wants to confess his love for the second time?

Shaking his head, Feng Jin isn't that good-looking anymore, he won't do such a thing.

Frivolous and very calm, he went to the table and sat down, and said lightly: "I just want to prove whether Wuchen can be emotional for her."

(End of this chapter)

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