The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 869 Mo Wuchen's Anxiety and Worries

Chapter 869 Mo Wuchen's Anxiety and Worries
This can be said, but they can't see and listen.

Everyone is such a smart person, even if they have not experienced emotional matters, they can understand what it means literally.

It is clear in my heart that it is so.

I just want to prove whether Wuchen can be emotional for her.

Such a light and calm sentence contains another meaning.

How does Feng Jin want to prove it?So tentative?
They didn't know, and respected Feng Jin's meaning, so they wouldn't bother.

There must be a sense of proportion in doing things, and they understand this truth.

It's not something they can get involved in, so be quiet, it's not bad if you really come to swim in the lake today, the scenery here is indeed quite good.

After Mo Wuchen came outside the cabin, he didn't see Feng Jin's figure. He turned his head and looked around, but he didn't find anything either.

There was a strange look in his eyes, he wasn't very nervous, he just stood by the rail and waited.

Nothing will happen to Feng Jin, and nothing will happen under their noses.

Her strength is obvious to all, and no one can hurt them.

Now that he didn't see the figure, he must have gone somewhere, he just waited where he was.

Feng Jin has been looking at Mo Wuchen's figure from the branch all the time. After seeing him come out and search around, there is no other movement, and his brows are frowned. Is he so relieved of her?
How can she be so relieved when she is gone, without feeling anxious at all?

Wuchen, do you really believe in my strength?

An uncomfortable feeling welled up in her heart, and she frowned. She didn't like this feeling very much. 
No fluctuations, that's all, no fluctuations.

Because I trust her, I don't worry about her.

So, what if she makes a mistake once?

Standing up, walking forward step by step, the figure slowly emerged from the dense branches.

Looking at Mo Wuchen in white clothes floating like a fairy on the big boat with bright star eyes, he was very focused.

Mo Wuchen was originally looking at the plain and unobtrusive lake, and then sensed something, raised his head, turned his head to look to the upper right, raised his eyes, and collided with those bright star eyes.

Her eyes moved, her brows frowned slightly, what was she doing there?
Such a high place.

Although her martial arts are very good, he also disagrees.
Feng Jin looked at Mo Wuchen's frowning scene, and the corners of his lips slowly outlined a curve, not enough, this is not enough at all.

Just a frown was not what she wanted to see.

Take a step forward and walk slowly, step by step, very slowly, not too impatient.

However, she was standing on a branch at this time, and she would fall into the bottomless lake after walking a few steps.

Mo Wuchen watched Feng Jin's movements, frowning together, a trace of seriousness flashed across his bland eyes, what does she want to do?
Does she even know what she is doing?
Feng Jin looked at Mo Wuchen's appearance, smiled, closed his eyes, spread his hands, and his figure fell straight down.
She doesn't use martial arts or spiritual power, and she's just an ordinary person.

Mo Wuchen's eyes widened, his figure flew up quickly, and flew towards the position where Feng Jin was. He used the speed to the extreme, and his heart was full of worry, and the expression on his face was no longer calm. The worry in his eyes And anxiety is palpable.

(End of this chapter)

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