The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 881 Playing in the Lake 4

Chapter 881 Playing in the Lake 4
That shark was very powerful, there were more than one shark, and they were all hitting their big boat all the time.

However, who is Lan Zihan?

Lying lazily on the couch, with a wave of one hand, several balls of flames appeared out of thin air, directly burning those big sharks to ashes.

It was also at that time that they knew that Lan Zihan had spiritual power, and it was also at that time that Feng Jin and Frivolity also learned about it.

From that day on, Lan Zihan's image in their minds has risen again, becoming even stronger.

"Sister-in-law, won't you come and play with Qingkuang?" Feimo swam around in the lake, his eyes flashed, and he turned to look at Qingyin and asked in confusion.

There are three black lines on the frivolous forehead who is playing with Tian Zong, this kid.

Qingyin turned her head and gave Feimo a white look: "What's so fun? It's not like I haven't played together before."

When they were in the Blood Palace, they often played together, and they were already very familiar with each other.

Fei Mo's eyes widened slightly, and he looked at Qing Yin in disbelief: "Sister-in-law, do you mean that frivolity has already thrown you?"

"Get out." A certain child was furious decisively, and directly uttered a foul word.

Feimo didn't give up, he became more and more courageous as he became frustrated, and looked at Qingyin innocently with his eyes: "Sister-in-law, you swear, did I say something wrong?" She looked a little cute, very cute.

Feng Jin chuckled from the side: "Qingyin, I thought Qingxue was beside me." The banter in the words was very obvious.

On weekdays, it's Qingxue who likes to swear, they are all cute children, and they definitely don't swear, they all smile to inflate the anger in their hearts, while Qingxue just swears directly, especially It's when you're in a bad mood.

That character, it can be said, was directly inherited from Nangong Xueling.

The same fiery temper, the same directness.

Qingxue, who was watching the play at the side, gave Feng Jin a disdainful look: "Don't involve me, don't deteriorate my character and image."

Isn't this person just saying clearly that she must be the one who swears?

She's not that rude, is she?She's actually very gentle, okay?
Except when it comes to rage, that's another matter.

Feng Jin smiled sweetly: "Okay, I'm just making a metaphor, don't mind."

She's really just playing a metaphor.

Qing Xue gave her a white look: "Who will believe you when you say that?"

She despised her, very much.

Feng Jin blinked innocently, in fact, she just slipped up, really slipped up.
Qingyin chuckled: "Shall we have a swimming competition, let's see who can swim to the big rock upstream first." He pointed to a big rock in the distance.

This place is at least a dozen meters away from that place.

With a frivolous and evil laugh: "I'm fine."

His swimming skills have been honed as early as in the blood palace, and now, even worse.

That distance meant nothing to him.

Besides, even if you don't want to swim or don't move anymore, it's good to take a break in the middle.
"Okay." Feng Jin and Qing Xue also nodded, they had no objection.

The eyes of the four focused on Shi Tian and the others at the same time, obviously asking if they could do it.

Shi Tian nodded: "I have no problem." Those distances, he can also.
"We can do it too." Fei Mo and Tian Zong expressed their opinions one after another.

The wind passes without a trace, the sky is blue and the clouds are white.

The golden light shone on the bodies of several people, and they were all warm.

(End of this chapter)

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