The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 882 Mo Wuchen's Hesitation

Chapter 882 Mo Wuchen's Hesitation
A few little guys in the lake are playing, and no one has an innocent and happy atmosphere on their faces.

But Mo Wuchen who was wearing it was staring at the sparkling lake water in a daze.

Feng Jin's words lingered in his heart all the time, unable to dissipate.

At the moment when the wind hibiscus of his card fell off, when there was no movement or reaction, only he knew the panic and anxiety in his heart.

He was angry, today was the first time he was angry, because of Feng Jin's actions.

He didn't cherish himself, and made fun of his own life, just to test whether his emotions would fluctuate for her.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

The faster this feeling develops, the more unfavorable it will be.

For Feng Jin, it is really difficult for him to become a man and a woman.

This, what should he do?

Such a lovely girl, such a girl that anyone would fall in love with, what should he do?
The answer he gave her was that he might not like any woman in ten years, and the same included her.

After he said those words, her starry eyes, which were already bright, shone even brighter, as if they had merged many dazzling pearls, scorching hot.

It's just that the more she behaved like this, the more he doubted whether he was doing the right thing?
No one wants to hurt such a lovely girl.

It's always that she is still young and may not understand the relationship, but when he sees her sad and unhappy, his mood will not become bright.

He grew up watching Feng Jin, and he knows her habits and behaviors well.

So is her character.

If you decide on one thing, you won't look back, and your character is also cold and arrogant, similar to Lan Zihan.

Such a woman, what is the best way to not hurt her?
Everyone can see the relationship between them, but no one said that this is not allowed, this is not allowed.

No one objected to them, and they all had an attitude of watching the show.

Also, I hope they are together.

Shouldn't he be leaving?

Leaving Feng Jin's side, the two of them didn't get along day and night, so there wouldn't be so many misses and worries, and her feelings for him would also be less, and then gradually fade away.

Looking up at Feng Jin who was swimming in the lake, the pink and jade-carved face was full of smiles, very dazzling, like a shining star.

Thinking of Yue Yexie I saw today, there was no ups and downs in my heart.

Lan Zihan and the others will be back in a few days, does he want to inform them of this?

Such an outstanding and unique man, even Feng Jin would never forget him.

She is such an intelligent woman, she can understand some things without explanation.

Such as the moon night evil.
He won't hide the secret, Yue Yexie is still alive, it doesn't matter to him.

However, it has different meanings to Leng Yichen and the others.

They used to be rivals.

Therefore, it should be better to inform them about this matter.

After all, they must also think that Yue Yexie is not dead.

To be buried in a sea of ​​flames?

Even he would not believe it, let alone Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan.
The sun is like fire, and the scenery is infinitely good.

The golden light sprinkled on the lake, with a layer of golden light, is very dazzling.

The breeze blows by, blowing away the irritability and thoughts in the heart, and it is all leisurely and comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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