Chapter 883

Seven days passed in a flash, like running water.

Today is the day when Leng Yichen and his party come back, but there are not many people waiting for them.

Everyone is already very familiar, so there is no need to be so unfamiliar.

The little ones were still training in the bamboo forest as usual.

It's much better than when I first started training.

No matter which one it is, they are all done very well and have not fallen behind.
Sandbags were tied to the hands and legs of the little guys.It is filled with sand and is not light in weight.

However, they are all within the range that several people can bear.

Seven people lined up in a row, all running around the periphery of the huge bamboo forest.

His breathing was steady, his face was normal, and he was not panting, very calm.

Obviously, several people have already adapted to this, have mastered the skills, and are used to such an amount of exercise every day.

Thirty laps, a full [-] laps, after the seven little guys finished running, they rested directly on the spot, did not sit down immediately, and slowly recovered.

When Lan Zihan came to the bamboo forest, what she saw was this scene, a smile flashed across her phoenix eyes, and she smiled evilly: "Baby, how is the training going?"

When the cold and evil voice came, the bodies of the seven little guys were all shocked.

They were all too familiar with this voice.

Feng Jin turned her head and saw the white figure, with a smile in her starry eyes, she ran forward quickly, and came to Lan Zihan's body, holding her hand with her small hand: "Mother, you When did it arrive?"

Her mother must have been here for a while, but they didn't notice.

Sure enough, they were not her mother's opponents.

Lan Zihan fondled Fengjin's head, and said with a smile, "I've been here for a while, and I've been running seriously, and I didn't notice my arrival."

She didn't show her aura, so it's normal for the little ones not to see her.

Feng Jin smiled sweetly: "Mother, have we made any progress?"

Her mother must have been watching them for a while.

Lan Zihan smiled dotingly, nodded: "Well, there is progress."

There is indeed progress, and she can see the tricks just by watching it from the sidelines.

She has experienced all of these before, so she will naturally know that there will be no progress in the future.

Even if she is not here, these children will not give up, nor will they be lazy.
Frivolous and several people also came over, and they all said hello to Lan Zihan.

Lan Zihan glanced at a few people, and the corners of her lips curled up: "Come with me, the training is suspended today." She wanted to discuss with them again.

"Okay." Although the little guys didn't understand, they still didn't ask any more questions and just obeyed.

Lan Zihan hooked her fingers; "Let's go, babies." Turning around, she led Feng Jin and walked out of the bamboo forest.

But I was thinking in my heart, what's the matter?
In fact, she didn't know what it was, they just came back.

It was just a few days ago that I received news from Leng Yufeng that he was waiting for them to come back and gather in the Prince Chen's mansion, and he had something to announce.

It didn't say what it was, and they were all coming back, so they didn't ask much.

If there was something important, it would have been said a long time ago, and this would not be the case.

However, the current situation is really nothing important.

The world is about to be unified, and everywhere is a piece of comfort and peace.

(End of this chapter)

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