Chapter 891 Don't Worry
It wasn't fear, nor fear, just a slight change in expression.

It was surprise, astonishment and understanding.

Looking at such expressions, they must know each other.

Lan Zihan looked at Feng Jin: "What are you asking for?"

In the past, Feng Jin never gossiped about the things their adults discussed, nor did they ask.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and said calmly: "I'm curious, I saw you all acting weird, so I asked."

Moonlight Evil.
Who is this person?
The name is really familiar.

Suddenly, the eyes widened slightly, and then regained their luster.

I thought to myself, Yue Yexie, isn't that the former emperor of Yuezhuo Kingdom, Yue Yexie?
By chance, she heard Nangong Xueling and Lan Zihan discuss Yueyexie in their spare time.

I really didn't really notice it at the time, but now I remember it.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and looked at Feng Jin: "Feng Jin, what are you thinking?" Her eyes narrowed slightly, as if she wanted to see through her.

Feng Jin's expression remained the same as before, without much change, and she replied calmly: "I'm thinking about when I will grow up, just like your mother."

Most importantly, she can be with the person she likes.

The current small body really can't do anything.

Although, she didn't think about what to buy.

Qingxuekuang looked at Feng Jin and smiled jokingly: "Feng Jin, don't say that you are the same as godmothers, in fact, you should know best why you want to grow up."

After all, when he glanced at Mo Wuchen, the smile and ridicule on the corners of his eyes and lips were very obvious.

They all knew that Feng Jin liked things about Mo Wuchen.

Therefore, she wanted to grow up quickly, and it should be for this reason.

Feng Jin smiled like a flower, looked at Qingxue and said with a smile: "Qingxue, don't you envy me?"

What does it mean to let nature take its course?
That's it.
She was indeed only five years old.

Qingxue curled her lips, and looked at Feng Jin with disdain: "What am I envious of?" 
Does she have anything to envy?

Feng Jin took a look at Qingxue, and said with a smile: "I envy that I have someone I like." After speaking, he smiled to himself, feeling very happy.

She likes Mo Wuchen, and she has never concealed it. She likes the truth and loves it sincerely.

Their personalities are all true-temper-emotion, so there are few secrets among them.

Qingxue has always been with them, and she doesn't know what type she would be if she fell in love with someone.

However, this is not the point, it is still early.

Qingxue rolled her eyes: "What is there to envy? Isn't it the person I like? I am so cute, and I always attract people's attention when I go out. Don't worry about no one liking me?"His face was not red, he was not panting, and he was very calm.

Everyone: "." Where did all this narcissism come from?
A hint of pampering flashed across Li Shang's eyes, his baby is so cute, and that character is really inherited from Nangong Xueling.

Leng Yufeng paused, looked up at Leng Yichen and said in a deep voice, "Yichen, what do you think about this matter?"

Which naturally refers to the moon night evil. 
Leng Yichen looked up at Leng Yufeng, narrowed his eyes slightly, and shook his head: "No, he won't do anything."

Although he has not seen the current Yue Yexie, but he can somewhat guess that character.

Since it didn't come, then it must be let go.

Otherwise, it would not have been silent for so long.

(End of this chapter)

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