Chapter 892
A smile flashed across Leng Yufeng's eyes, and he nodded: "Well, that's very good."

He is not worried, it can be said that there is nothing to worry about.

Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan sit in command, who can knock them down?
Lan Zihan turned her head to look at Xia Yiyu, raising her eyebrows: "Where are you going to play first?" She probably hasn't been out much.

It is said that the deep palace is a pit, but there are still people who are willing to jump down.

The deep palace compound is the most boring and deprived of freedom.

However, Xia Yiyu is pretty good, she doesn't share a husband with anyone, and they are a couple for life.

Similarly, Leng Yufeng also loves her very much, so it is better.

Now, it's time to go out and play. If you don't go out for a stroll, you will lose your strength when you get old.

Xia Yiyu chuckled lightly: "Get ready to head east."

They are going to go all the way to the east, visit the scenery of various places, and play everywhere.

Lan Zihan whistled and smiled jokingly: "It's so romantic." 
Xia Yiyu laughed lightly, but did not speak.

Leng Yufeng turned his head to look at Xia Yiyu, his eyes were full of doting and love.

He will take her to travel all over the country, to have a good look at the scenery and have fun.

Leng Luoyan looked at Leng Yufeng and said seriously: "Brother Dahuang, you must bring enough money, otherwise there will be no place to live."

This is a problem, you must bring enough money when you go out to play, it is capital.

Everyone looked at Leng Luoyan contemptuously, is there even a need to say this?

Without money, it is difficult to move an inch. This sentence is very classic.

Leng Yufeng gave Leng Luoyan a blank look: "Do you think I will go out without money?"

This person must have underestimated him too much.

Leng Luoyan's innocent scumbag eyes, said with a smile: "I'm not afraid that you haven't left Tianchen, I don't know."

He really reminded him kindly, after all, his elder brother has really never been to other places.

Speaking of which, Dang Shi has been imprisoned in this deep palace for so long, it's time to get out of the cage and play.

Lan Zihan looked at Leng Luoyan, raised her eyebrows, "I've never seen a pig run, at least I've eaten pork, you can ask such a silly question, you're strong."
Could Leng Yufeng be someone who doesn't know anything?

That mind is incomparable.

Even if I haven't been out, I have experienced a lot of revising memorials every day, okay?

Who goes out without money?

What are you going to do if you have no money?
They had planned it long ago, and they must have already planned everything.

Therefore, what Leng Luoyan asked was really very white, and it was fair enough.

Leng Luoyan is very innocent, really innocent: "I'm telling the truth, it's absolutely the truth, I was careless for a while and didn't think about it later, I saw that Brother Dahuang is also a person who would not make such a mistake."

His eldest brother is so smart, I'm afraid he has already thought of this matter.

Can't he just say it sooner?
He was stared at by everyone.

Well, what he asked was indeed quite silly, and he felt that it should be better not to ask.

However, I have already asked, so I can only forget it.

Shi Tian walked to Xia Yiyu's side, grabbed her hand with his small hand and asked, "Concubine Mother, how long are you and Emperor Father going to go out to play?"

He had also heard his father and concubine discuss this matter, but he didn't think much about it.

They go out to play, he agrees.

He didn't like the deep palace compound very much. His mother and concubine lived in it all the time, so it must be very boring.

Therefore, it is also good for the father to take the mother and concubine out to play.

(End of this chapter)

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