The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 893 Was it hit by someone?

Chapter 893 Was it hit by someone?
His father was in the palace all day except for correcting the memorials, and the rest of the time was with his mother and concubine.

This kind of day is really boring.

Therefore, it is good to go out for some air and see the outside world.

Xia Yiyu patted Shitian's head lovingly, and said with a smile: "I don't know yet, will Shitian miss his mother and concubine?"

Shi Tian has always made her feel at ease, and sometimes she will appear very mature.

However, these days, between her brows, she found that he had become much more cheerful, with more smiles on his face than before.

That's because they are frivolous.

A few children are together and have something to talk about.

Therefore, Shi Tian didn't like being in the palace very much at all.

However, every day, he would go to her palace to play and accompany her.

He has a clever and exquisite heart, he can see everything clearly, and he understands many things.

No one would dislike such a child.

It was precisely because of this that she was a little worried about Shi Tian.

But now, the frivolous and the others have come, and her Shitian is changing, slowly changing, so she is relieved.

Nobody knows their kids better than their parents.

Therefore, she is very happy to kill Tian like this.

Shi Tian nodded, and said with a smile: "Yes, I will think about it. However, the mother and concubine don't care about me, I am fine in the second emperor's uncle's mansion, and there will be nothing wrong with them if they are frivolous. You play with the father." It’s okay to come back when you’ve had your fill, have fun and take a look at the scenery outside.”

She is his mother and concubine, who has loved him a lot since he was a child, so he will naturally miss her.

The relationship between their mother and son was very good, and so was his father, the family of three enjoyed themselves happily.

Of course they would miss him when they left, but as long as they had fun, he was really fine.

In Chenwang Mansion, it is also very warm and happy.

He can wait here for them to come back, he doesn't need them to worry and worry, he will be sensible.

Xia Yiyu's heart warmed up, and she smiled dotingly: "Well, the mother and concubine can feel relieved."

Her Shitian is very sensible, really sensible.

He is very thoughtful about everything, and he doesn't think too deeply about things.

Whose child can say such words at such a young age?Which child didn't act like a baby in his mother's arms when he was five years old?Whose child is already so sensible and thoughtful at the age of five?

Shi Tian is, that is what he is.

Of course, the frivolous six people can't be counted.

They are very different from children of the same age.

Qingxue's eyes were wide open, looking at Shi Tian and Xia Yiyu, her moist eyes looked forward to the brilliance, they were very cute and agile, she blinked her eyes: "Is it really touching? Is there such love? do not have?"

After finishing speaking, Wuzi nodded: "Well, there is such a scene of love."

In her heart, she was overjoyed, it was the first time she saw such a docile Shitian scene.

Everyone: "." What is this guy doing?
Didn't understand it?

Leng Luoyan is one.
He raised his eyes and looked at Qingxue in confusion: "Qingxue, did you get hit by any of them today?"

Qingxue looked at Leng Luoyan innocently, and shook her head: "No." How could she be hit by anything?
Her psychological endurance is so good, who can hit her?

Leng Luoyan looked at Qingxue with raised eyebrows, and said calmly: "Then why did you say that? I thought it was Qingyin's words."

Indeed, he really thought it was Qingyin who said it.

It felt impossible for Qingxue to say those words.

(End of this chapter)

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