Chapter 894

It's just because it doesn't match Qingxue's character at all.
If it was placed on Feng Jin and Qing Yin, he would definitely not be surprised.

There were three black lines on Qingxue's forehead, and she raised her eyes to accuse Leng Luoyan: "What's wrong with me? I despise you, and I feel that I can't say the same thing."
Is her image really that bad?

Is her character really that strong?
She's actually pretty cute too, isn't she?

She is actually very loving, okay?

Leng Luoyan laughed dumbly: "Well, okay, I accept your contempt. However, I still feel that it doesn't match your image. You can ignore my words."

In fact, no matter what their personalities and tempers are, the appearance of these little guys is very delicate and cute.

Qingxue raised her chin arrogantly, looked at Leng Luoyan and said with a smile: "If it doesn't match, it doesn't match, no one will mind." She doesn't mind, so why does he still feel that it doesn't match?
There is nothing wrong with her being herself, the real Qingxue.

She is strong and domineering, and has a fiery and direct personality, but that hasn't always been okay.

She doesn't care if others mind or not, as long as she doesn't mind.

Besides, no one would mind.

Feng Jin looked at Qingxue and smiled jokingly: "Maybe people who like you will mind." After finishing speaking, he glanced at Shi Tian and blinked, it was very obvious that he was saying that Shi Tian would mind.

Shi Tianmo said: "." Can you leave him alone?
Qingxue was confused in the wind: "." Does it have anything to do with him?

Nangong Xueling raised her eyebrows and looked at Feng Jin with a chuckle: "Xiao Feng Jin, if you like someone, you won't mind her character or temper. If you love her, you will tolerate everything about her. Didn't you realize that your mother Is there a man who loves her to protect such a cold personality? Your father doesn't mind your mother's indifference at all, so you can understand after seeing this."

If you like someone, you won't mind the shortcomings or bad things about that person.

This is the case for Li Shang, in the past five years, they have never quarreled, but there are still occasional fights or frequent jokes.

Both of them have their own way of getting along together. 
Feng Jin nodded in agreement, and there was a smile in her bright starry eyes: "Well, my father loves my mother very much, and he is willing to give anything for her. He never complains or is dissatisfied. The place."
She has been watching the relationship between her father and her mother.

No one intervenes between them, the relationship is deep, every day is like people in love, one pampers without limit, the other accepts everything, but also gives.

Ever since she was sensible, her father had never quarreled with her mother, or had a disagreement.

What her mother said was very reasonable, and she would always agree with her father's thoughts and opinions. The two had a tacit understanding and knew what each other was thinking.

Sometimes when her mother was in a bad mood, she would lose her temper with her father, who always made her laugh, made her happy, pampered, tolerated, and cared for her without limit, treating her like a treasure.

On the contrary, when her father is not in a good mood, her mother does the same, but the method is different.

However, the relationship between the two is getting deeper and deeper, and others can only envy it.

(End of this chapter)

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