Chapter 895
She is also very envious of this kind of feeling.

Two icebergs collide, you are indifferent, she can be even more indifferent.

However, they will all change and pay for each other.

An arrogant and domineering man like her father can stay in the blood palace for his mother, and he only wants to be with her in this life.

Who wouldn't envy such a feeling?
In fact, around them, this kind of relationship is not good.

For example, her godmother and her emperor's uncle have such a good relationship.

The ears and eyes are full of emotions, and the feelings will be more, and the bottom of my heart is also inclined to this kind of love.

Is she okay with Wuchen?
No matter what, she will try her best.

Qingxue curled her lips: "Feng Jin, you like to tie me with Shitian very much." This person has put her and Shitian together more than once to talk about things.

Feng Jin chuckled and nodded: "Well, I have the same opinion as my mother, you and Shi Tian are very suitable."

She had already seen it a few days ago, and already had this opinion.

Qingxue curled her lips in boredom: "You are so boring. I have heard this sentence several times, but I don't feel it at all. You can change the topic to chat."

This topic is very boring and uninteresting, and she doesn't see any tricks at all.

match?Who doesn't match?She looked at her as a match for Frivolity.

"Qingxue, I am optimistic about you, and I will take Shitian down in one fell swoop and become my sister-in-law." Feng Jin shook her head, and said with a smile, the smile in her bright starry eyes did not diminish.

She is really optimistic, maybe there will be some sparks in the future.

His eyes narrowed slightly, he turned his head to look at Qingyin, then at Qingxue, his eyes widened slightly, and he blinked: "Qingyin and Qingxue will be my sister-in-law in the future. Damn that sentence, the fat and water don’t flow into outsiders’ fields.”

Wu Zi nodded: "Well, you can have this, it's very loving."

If Qingyin and Qingkuang were together, and Qingxue and Shitian were together, then everyone would be happy.

Really loving.

Qingyin was speechless: "." Don't get involved with her, please.

The corner of Qingxue's eyes twitched: "." What kind of thought is this?

Frivolous and very calm drinking tea, did not interrupt to speak.

Shi Tian was speechless, walked across to Qing Kuang and sat down, drinking tea in the same way.

The subject troubled him, and he remained silent.

Everyone listened to the words and agreed, which is quite possible.

Lan Zihan smiled without saying a word, glanced at Feng Jin, her phoenix eyes were full of smiles.
She is very imaginative, and her thinking is quite good, but, I don't know if it will be as she said.

Frivolous is her son, she naturally knows what he is thinking.

For Qingyin, he should also like it.

No matter who he likes, she has no objection, his vision will not be bad.

Looking at Shitian, then at Qingxue, rubbing his chin with one hand, thinking about the possibility of the two being together.

Leng Yichen drank his tea quietly, not participating in such matters.

Whoever they like has nothing to do with him, and he doesn't get involved in children's affairs.

Qingxue was very calm, really calm, raised her eyes to look at Feng Jin, and smiled jokingly: "Feng Jin, if you have so much time to gossip about other people's affairs, you might as well gossip about yourself." After finishing speaking, she turned her head Glancing at Mo Wuchen, who was an expert in medical skills, the meaning he wanted to express was obvious.

She and Mo Wuchen are still at a stalemate, and they don't know if they can take him down.

(End of this chapter)

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