Chapter 896
Feng Jin's heart moved slightly, her face remained unchanged, and she smiled calmly: "What can I gossip about?" What can she gossip about?
Gossip about yourself?She doesn't have that hobby yet.

Gossip comes and gossip is not the same, so gossip is not as interesting as gossip about others.

Rubbing her chin with one hand, Qingxue said seriously, "Aren't you worried that something will happen? Or do you trust yourself too much?" Among them, Mo Wuchen is the most difficult person to deal with.
That desireless character is the most helpless.

She didn't hide this remark, but said it in front of everyone.
Everyone is also a smart person, and can hear the meaning of her words.

That was a reminder to Feng Jin, and at the same time, a reminder to Mo Wuchen.

Everyone knows Feng Jin's friendship with Mo Wuchen, and no one objects, they all agree.

But that's not the point.

The focus was on Mo Wuchen.

He has no relationship with Feng Jin at all, this is a fact that everyone can see.

Therefore, Fengjin's love life is very bumpy, very bumpy.

She looked worried for her.

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows and looked at Qingxue: "Could it be that I want the overlord to bow hard? I don't have that ability, okay?" Looking at her small body, she was speechless for a while.
Because of her young age, Mo Wuchen always treats her like a child.

It's not that she doesn't know, it's just that she didn't say it.

Even talking to Mo Wuchen couldn't change the fact that she was just a child.

This point, no one can change.

So, it's not that she is not in a hurry, but that this point cannot be changed at all.

Everyone: "." Can this kid be any tougher?
These words can be said rationally and vigorously, as if there is a bit of helplessness.

Looking at Feng Jin, she just shook her head and sighed.

That looks like a five-year-old child.

Putting this aside for the time being, turning his head to look to the other side, Mo Wuchen was reading the medical book quietly, very calm, his breath didn't change at all.

I don't know if I really didn't understand their words, or if I didn't mind or worry at all.

However, they believe more in the latter.

After all, in his eyes, Feng Jin is just a five-year-old child.

Tong Yan Wuji, no one will take what a child says seriously.

Just joking, Feng Jin and the others often joke.

So, he's probably used to it.

Mo Wuchen heard Feng Jin's tough words, but he didn't pay much attention to it.

It's not that she hasn't said such tough words before, but it's just that she was joking every time.

Even if it wasn't a joke this time, he couldn't give any reply.

Between them, it is really impossible.

How can it be so easy to have feelings for a person?
He has always regarded Feng Jin as a child, and Feng Jin is indeed only five years old.

No matter how mature and smart the mind is, he is only five years old. This is a fact that cannot be changed.

Therefore, he cannot give.

In ten years, I don't know that the goods will not change, but now, it will not.

Li Shang glanced at Mo Wuchen, and a strange color flashed across his eyes, which was fleeting.

Lan Zihan looked at Feng Jin with raised eyebrows, and whistled: "Feng Jin, mother supports you, go down." It's not possible now, and she didn't say no in the future.
With one word, the weird atmosphere was broken.

(End of this chapter)

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