The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 898 She Is The Protagonist

Chapter 898 She Is The Protagonist
Blue sky and white clouds, clear sky.

The golden light sprinkled into the earth, with a hint of hot breath, shining on everyone's bodies, all with a lazy breath.

At this time, the Prince Chen's mansion was full of festive atmosphere, the mansion was decorated with lanterns and festoons, very lively.

In the quiet bamboo forest, the breeze blows, bringing up the bamboo leaves on the treetops, and slowly falling down.

Beside a clear lake, under a bamboo tree, a man is sitting quietly. He is dressed in a white robe that is better than snow. He has a fair face with soft lines. His eyes are as clear as water and are not stained with dust. With an elegant temperament and a background, the whole person is a banished fairy who does not eat the fireworks of the world.

"Wuchen." A clear and melodious female voice came over, and the silver bell-like laughter seemed to be an elf in the mountains.
Mo Wuchen turned his head, a white light and shadow flickered in front of him, and a figure threw himself into his arms.

Feng Jin hooked Mo Wuchen's neck with both hands, and said with a smile: "Wuchen, I knew you were here." If you can't find him in the mansion, then he must have come here.

Mo Wuchen stared at the woman in his arms, his starry eyes were full of smiles, his skin was like snow, whiter and more flawless than that fine mutton jade, his small face, pink and thin lips, willow eyebrows like The painting, with curved eyebrows and eyes, is exquisite and perfect, and she can't compare to her in the whole country.
He chuckled lightly: "Feng Jin, you are no longer a child, you can no longer act recklessly like this." The expression in his words was full of doting, and there was no intention of blame.

She always likes to throw herself into his arms inadvertently.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and there was a smile in her eyes: "I like this, it doesn't matter to me what other people care about, as long as I like it myself. Besides, you don't hate Wuchen." He stepped forward and gave Mo Wuchen a quick peck on the face, then left with a satisfied smile in his eyes.

She doesn't care what other people think, what she likes to do, what she does has nothing to do with those people.

In front of Mo Wuchen, she likes this, and he pampers her, just for her alone.

Mo Wuchen chuckled lightly, and didn't care too much, patting Feng Jin's head lovingly: "Today is your birthday, the outside is preparing for you, why come here when you have time?"

In the twinkling of an eye, ten years have passed, and today is the day when Feng Jin will be ready.
Feng Jin raised her eyes to look at Mo Wuchen, and smiled slightly: "Wuchen is not here, I will definitely come."

Besides, she didn't care about those things at all.

Exactly, she likes today's day.

It's time for the hairpin, she's finally time for the hairpin.

Whether it is long or not, short or not, it will pass in the blink of an eye.

She has not forgotten the original agreement with Mo Wuchen, and when she reaches the age of Ji, the ten-year agreement between them will expire.

In the past ten years, her relationship with Mo Wuchen has always been like this, she is more attached to him, and he always gives him unlimited pampering.

I don't know if the relationship has changed, but it has been like this for ten years.

The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips curled into a curve: "Today is a banquet prepared for you. If the master is not here, it's going to be cold." After finishing speaking, he stood up, walked forward holding Feng Jin's hand, and said dotingly :"let's go."

Today, she is the protagonist, and she cannot be absent or delay time.
"Wait a minute." Feng Jin took Mo Wuchen's hand, stopped, and stood in place.

(End of this chapter)

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