Chapter 899 What do you want?
Mo Wuchen turned his head and looked at Feng Jin with a chuckle: "Huh? What's the matter?"

Feng Jin looked at the expression in Mo Wuchen's eyes, she was still pampered and gentle, but this feeling made her feel something was wrong, as if something was missing.

Staring at Mo Wuchen, he blinked: "Wuchen, do you still remember our agreement?"

She remembered their agreement, so, does he still remember?

The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips curled up, and he nodded: "Yes, I remember."

That was what he said himself, how could he not remember.

"Then, Wu Chen, can I ask how you feel about me now?" Feng Jin raised her eyes and asked very seriously.

But in my heart I don't have enough confidence.

She couldn't understand Mo Wuchen, just like the hazy feeling he gave her, sometimes clear, sometimes blurred, giving her an unreal illusion.

Mo Wuchen stared at Feng Jin with both eyes, seeing the serious look in her eyes, paused in his heart, and sighed softly: "Feng Jin, you have grown up, think clearly about the depths of your heart. What you want most, your feelings for me may not be what you expected."

Although there is no official answer, there is a rejection in the words.

She has grown up, so she should know what she wants deep in her heart, instead of playing around like she was when she was a child.

Feng Jin shook her head, with a firm look in her eyes: "Wuchen, maybe what I told you before may give you an illusion, or maybe I was joking and didn't take it seriously. At that time, I was only five years old. Years old, I can understand what you said."

The voice paused, and continued: "However, I am old now, and I am no longer the young me. Now I am not a child, I don't need you to remind me, the deepest feelings in my heart , I can see clearly and clearly. I like you, I like Wuchen, I have always liked you."

She wasn't joking, she was serious the whole time.

Perhaps, when she was five years old, she said she liked it, but he wouldn't take it seriously because of her young age.
Well, now that she has reached her age, she is no longer that young girl, everything is different.

Mo Wuchen's heart moved slightly, and he couldn't help being shocked by Feng Jin's words.
He has never taken her liking very seriously, and always loves, pampers and cares her as a child.

Time is passing slowly, the world is changing, everything is changing.

Today's Feng Jin has grown up and is sensible.

Sighing lightly, he raised his eyes to look at Feng Jin, and asked softly, "So, what do you want?"

What does she want?
Feng Jin looked at Mo Wuchen with fixed eyes, opened her teeth lightly, and said loudly: "What I want is to marry Wuchen. Being your wife is not the relationship I have today. What I want is love, and what I want is love. Not in this hazy state. A couple for life, this kind of relationship is very beautiful, and it envies others. I want to live with Wuchen and manage our love together, just like my mother and the others."
This is what she wants.

In terms of feelings, if you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you like it. There is nothing far-fetched.
She likes Mo Wuchen, wants to live with him, wants to marry him, there is nothing to be shy about and say nothing about.

(End of this chapter)

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