Chapter 900 Plan Plan
Mo Wuchen heard Feng Jin say this, and his heart fluctuated slightly: "You have to know what to say, and you may not be rewarded if you like it. Did I tell you ten years ago that within ten years, I might not like you. Other women, at the same time, including you."

Although these words were a bit cruel, he still wanted to say them.

The fact is like this, it was like this ten years ago, ten years later, what can he change?
The gap between them is not one point, she is in the prime of her life now, but she has just reached her age, the outside world is vast, and she has not yet appreciated it.

Feng Jin's heart moved slightly, but there was no change on his face, a smile floated in his star eyes: "Well, I know, so Wuchen wants to tell me that I still don't have feelings for me, right?"
When she asked, she had already expected the answer, and she just wanted to hear what he said.

Now, she really guessed it.

Mo Wuchen reached out and touched Feng Jin's head, and said softly, "Will Feng Jin blame me?"

Could she blame him?

After ten years of waiting, I asked him happily, but I got such an answer.

The corners of Feng Jin's lips curled up, and she shook her head: "I don't complain."

How could she blame him?

Elegant and elegant, floating like a fairy, his temperament is originally without desires and desires.

How could she go back and complain about such a man who was as elegant as a white lotus?

She has been alone for ten years, and there is no woman around her, and she is very pampered and cared for. In the past ten years, she is not the only one who has paid.

She had nothing to blame him for, and he had done nothing wrong.

just don't like it
I thought to myself, don't you like it?It doesn't matter, sooner or later it will become a favorite.

Who is she, Feng Jin?Nothing is too difficult for her.

Now that she is Jiji's age, she is no longer a child, so she knows what to do.

The former Mo Wuchen treated her like a child?It doesn't matter, now she is chasing him, the more frustrated she becomes, the stronger she is.

The corners of Mo Wuchen's lips curved slightly, and he said dotingly: "Let's go, the banquet is about to begin." He didn't know what she was thinking, but he only wanted her to be happier.

As long as she is happy, he will be in a good mood, and he doesn't want to see her have any negative emotions.

"Okay, let's go." Feng Jin nodded, put his hands on Mo Wuchen's arms, and his star eyes were full of smiles: "Wuchen, brother and the others are going out to play tomorrow, and I want to go too, are you going?"

Frivolous and the others have already made plans, they will take a trip tomorrow, and I heard that the scenery is pretty good.

Mo Wuchen shook his head and chuckled lightly: "I won't go, you guys go, have fun."

He doesn't really like traveling.

In the past ten years, I have occasionally gone out a few times, always with Feng Jin.

A gleam of light flashed across Feng Jin's eyes, she nodded without forcing herself: "Well, okay, I see."

She hadn't had much hope.

Tomorrow, the seven of them will be frivolous.

She thought to herself, it's time for her to discuss with them the plan of chasing Mo Wuchen.

She is a person of action and won't delay for too long. Since Mo Wuchen has already refused, then she should implement the second plan.

The star pupils turned unconsciously, how was she going to chase after Mo Wuchen?
It is said that there is only a layer of veil between women chasing men, she feels that this is nonsense, nonsense.

(End of this chapter)

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