Chapter 908 A Beautiful Scene

Lie down on the blanket and start to sleep leisurely.

A satisfied sigh came out of his mouth, um, this is very comfortable,

Qingyin glanced at Feng Jin with contempt: "Can you be more lazy? Take the family with you, and bring the blankets."
This guy, take a nap and bring the blankets, this is to prepare to take root here.

Feng Jin opened her eyes and looked at Qingyin, and said with a smile, "Could it be that Qingyin also wants to sleep?" After finishing speaking, she moved a little to the side, patted the place beside her, and said with a smile: "Little Qingyin, come here sleep here."

They sleep together, and the space is enough.

Qingyin looked at the sky speechlessly, but in the next second, she really walked over to sleep.

If she doesn't sleep for nothing, she also takes a rest.

Went to Fengjin's side and lay down, nodded, quite comfortable.

Feng Jin laughed lightly, stretched out her hand to poke Qingyin's cheek, and said with a smile: "Little Qingyin, don't talk, close your eyes, enjoy this quiet moment, and fall asleep soon."

At least, she thinks so, and it's really pretty good.

Qingyin nodded, closed her eyes, and enjoyed the tranquility of the moment.

Feng Jin smiled, and also lay down, closing her eyes, just like Qingyin.

The wind, blowing gently, is very warm and comfortable.

The fresh air filled the tip of the nose, with a faint floral fragrance, not strong, quite faint, but it could be smelled.

It smells good, is very comfortable, and the whole person is refreshed and relaxed.

Qingyin was originally an experiment, but after a short while, she really fell asleep, her breathing became even, and her quiet face was very beautiful.

Feng Jin also fell into a deep sleep, with a slight curvature on the corners of her lips, her beautiful face is very moving.

The breeze blew past, and the leaves on the treetops were lifted up, and they fluttered down.

The two under the tree are like sleeping beauties, very dreamy and beautiful.

Everyone also saw this scene, and they didn't bother, enjoying the tranquility of this moment.

Sitting frivolously under another big tree, leaning against the big tree, with a delicate and perfect face, evil red phoenix eyes, and sexy thin lips, the whole person is full of charm.

Turning his head to look at the two sleeping figures under the big tree not far away, his eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes focused on Qingyin's face, and there was a strangeness in his eyes.

Shi Tian on the side looked frivolously, and chuckled softly: "Brother, you like Qingyin."

Not a question, but an affirmation.

If it took ten years, he still couldn't see Shitian's feelings for Qingyin clearly, then he would be a fool.

Others may not be able to see it, but his relationship with Shi Tian is very good, and the brothers talk about everything, although he hasn't said it, but he can see it and feel it.

Frivolous looked away, chuckled lightly: "Since when have you been so gossip?"

He never gossips about other people's affairs.
Shi Tian smiled: "Brother, haven't you noticed that you always stare at Qingyin from time to time?"

He sometimes notices.

The breeze blows, rolls up the leaves on the treetops, and slowly falls down.

Shi Tian raised his eyes, stretched out his hand, caught the falling leaf, played with it in his hand, and said with a smile: "Qingyin is still young."

Qingyin is still young, not in a hurry, and neither is he.

Saying this is not denying what Shi Tian said.

Shi Tian didn't find it funny: "Well, no one is in such a hurry as Feng Jin, Jiji is about to start chasing Wuchen."

(End of this chapter)

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