Chapter 909 Birthday Cake 1
Even so, there was no hint of ridicule in his tone.

An evil smile was drawn on the frivolous corner of his lips, and he turned to look at Shi Tian: "What about you?"

"What?" Shi Tian looked at frivolously in bewilderment.

Frivolous raised eyebrows and looked at Shitian: "Where is Qingxue, the person you like."

Does he like Qingxue?
Can he see his inner thoughts and feelings clearly?
"Qingxue and I are very simple, and we have nothing else to do." Shi Tian spread his hands, very calm.

He and Qingxue have nothing to do, really nothing to do, very simple.

Shaking his head frivolously, he smiled: "I haven't even seen clearly what you want and what your inner feelings are, so how can you draw conclusions randomly."

Some people understand others very well, but they do not understand themselves.

Shi Tian leaned against the big tree, was noncommittal to his words, and shook his head: "Are you saying that I like Qingxue?" After speaking, he chuckled lightly: "Qingxue and I are just friends, there is no other relationship, get along with each other It’s better, it’s common for people to be misunderstood.”

He was used to such things, and there were no other fluctuations.

Frivolously broke off the leaves in his hands, and chuckled loudly: "Who knows about feelings? If you like it, you like it, and if you don't like it, you don't like it. Some people just can't see their inner feelings clearly. Just don't lose and make mistakes. It will be fine."

Shi Tian Shuangsou hugged his head, leaned against the big tree, and said with a smile: "Well, I see."

In my heart, I was thinking secretly, but there was really nothing wrong.

Smiling frivolously, no more words.

The wind passed without a trace, time passed by in a flash, and two hours passed in a blink of an eye.

Qingxue squatted beside Fengjin and Qingyin, poked Fengjin's face, then poked Qingyin's face, and muttered softly: "Sleeping so fast, sleeping so hard."

These two have just slept for two hours, do you want to be so leisurely?
Feng Jin turned over, ignored Qingxue, and continued to sleep.

Qingyin remained silent.

Qing Xue was silent, stretched out a finger, and poked Feng Jin's face vigorously: "Get up, there is a woman next to Wuchen, don't you try to get up again."

Damn, if you don't say harsh words, you won't be able to get up.

Sure enough, as soon as these words fell, Feng Jin's eyes, which were still closed, suddenly opened, stood up, looked around, and focused on Mo Wuchen, who was still reading the medical book quietly, with an elegant and dusty demeanor , where did this woman come from?
Turning her head to look at Qingxue, she rolled her eyes: "You are very idle, disturbing the quietness of others."

How could there be a woman beside Mo Wuchen?She doesn't believe anyone who says that.
She had already woken up when Qingxue poked her face, but she just didn't want to get up, this guy, he really used it even when he was frustrated.

Qingxue looked at Feng Jin with contempt: "How long are you going to sleep? If you sleep any longer, it will be dark."

This is the first time this person is so lazy, sleeping in broad daylight.

Turning his head to look at Qingyin who was still lying down, his eyes were already open, but he didn't get up.

She curled her lips: "Do you want to be so lazy? I'm eating cake, do you want to eat it?"

After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand and poked Feng Jin's face again: "It's your and frivolous birthday, I'm waiting for you alone."

Did this guy forget that today is her birthday?

A golden light floated in Feng Jin's eyes, the corners of her lips curled slightly, and she nodded: "Of course."

As for the birthday cake, it must have been made by mother, only mother and godmother would make it.

(End of this chapter)

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