The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 922 Laughter and Satisfaction 1

Chapter 922 Laughter and Satisfaction 1
In the bamboo forest, the warmth is infinite.

Outside the bamboo forest, a white figure happened to watch this scene.

Lan Zihan looked at the two people who were embracing and kissing under the bamboo tree, the corners of her lips curled up, and there was a smile in her phoenix eyes.

He turned around and walked out of the bamboo forest without disturbing the couple.

She was looking for Feng Jin to have something to do, but she accidentally saw this scene.

She is happy for Feng Jin, her love has finally been reciprocated.

She was also happy for Mo Wuchen, he was finally no longer alone.

Although it is good to say that one is used to that kind of life, but surrounded by people in pairs, he will inevitably appear a little awkward.

Although none of them mentioned it, they all knew it in their hearts.

When Feng Jin told her for the first time when she was a child that she liked Mo Wuchen, she didn't take it seriously, thinking she was just joking.

However, after seeing more times and hearing more, she got used to it and believed it.

She likes Mo Wuchen, so go after him, she will be the first to support her.

There is nothing objectionable or unacceptable about this.

They all think very openly and see very openly. For this kind of thing, no one has an opinion or disagrees.

As long as the two of them can be happy and happy.

No one is sad, no one is sad, no one knows, it is of course the best.

Yesterday, she also saw Feng Jin being rejected by Mo Wuchen, smiling heartlessly, but she must be somewhat entangled in her heart.

Although she said she would not interfere in their affairs, she was her daughter, so how could she just ignore her?

As a parent, who doesn't want her children to be good, and at the same time, as a friend, she also wants to see Mo Wuchen well.

Now that the two of them are together, everyone is happy.

This space is theirs, she doesn't need to bother.

She can rest assured now.

Yes, very relieved.

Seeing Mo Wuchen proactively kissing Fengjin, why should she worry about it?

It's good to know that Mo Wuchen would never do such a thing to Feng Jin, let alone others.

If he didn't really like her, if he didn't really love her, he wouldn't have acted like this towards Fengjin.

Therefore, she is relieved at the moment, and she is in a good mood.

The wind blows gently.

The water is flowing slowly.

The scenery in this place is very beautiful and attracts infinite reverie.

Mo Wuchen left Feng Jin's lips, and looked at her with eyes as clear as water, which were full of tenderness and pampering.

Now that we are in love, since we both love each other, and since we have made it clear, then there is no need to distance ourselves from each other in the future.

They love each other, so let's be together.

It's so simple, but it exudes a touch of warmth and tenderness.

Feng Jin lay on Mo Wuchen's lap, wrapped his hands around his neck, looked at the expression in his eyes, his heart was replaced by happiness, filled with happiness.

Filled full, very satisfying, very warm, very heartwarming.

Finding a comfortable position in his arms, the corners of her lips curled up, and her starry eyes were full of smiles: "Wu Chen, when I'm with you, I don't feel deserted or lonely at all."

His personality is not lively, elegant and elegant, and he doesn't like to talk too much.

It doesn't matter, she talks a lot, he can listen to her.

Occasionally inserting a few sentences, and someone responds, she already feels satisfied.

In fact, she didn't want much, really not much.

As long as she is with him, she will feel very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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