The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 923 Laughter and Satisfaction 2

Chapter 923 Laughter and Satisfaction 2
Mo Wuchen's heart warmed up, filled with satisfaction and happiness, and his heart softened.

The corners of her lips curled into a curve, and she chuckled softly: "I won't joke with you, Feng Jin just don't feel bored."

He is not Li Shang's type of man, on the contrary, he is relatively silent.

Generally, if there is nothing to do, he will not say a word throughout the day.

Therefore, he is indeed a man of few words.

What he was worried about was that one day Feng Jin, who loves to be lively, would think that he was boring and that he was not as good as she imagined.

Therefore, for some things, it is good to say it clearly in person, and there is no need to hide it.

If you don't make it clear, how can others understand you 100%?How can you know 100% what you are thinking?
Don't wait for others to guess, it's all unrealistic.

Feng Jin hugged Mo Wuchen's waist tightly, and said with a smile: "It's okay, as long as I like it, I don't dislike it, and Wuchen don't dislike me for being noisy."

His eyes narrowed slightly, he raised his head to look at the beautiful face above, and gave an evil smile: "If Wu Chen finds me annoying one day, I will definitely throw Wu Chen down and eat him, see if you still find me annoying." bother."

Haha, this is very loving.

If he thought she was annoying, she wouldn't leave.

Leaving is all done by the weak, those who dare not face it, those who are not firm enough in their feelings, and who do not love enough.

If you love deeply, how can you care about these things, and how can you leave so easily because of some things.

She wondered if Mo Wuchen would find her annoying.

However, she has been annoying him for so many years, and he has already gotten used to it.

So, just keep it up, he will never do anything to her.

Mo Wuchen chuckled lightly: "If I find you annoying, I won't agree to you, I won't accept you."
No matter which side of Feng Jin it is, he likes it very much.

Every face of her is so perfect to him.

How could he dislike her?
Feng Jin rubbed against Mo Wuchen's arms: "Well, I knew you wouldn't do it." She knew that he definitely wouldn't.
Mo Wuchen touched Feng Jin's head, and said with a smile: "Feng Jin, do you want to go back?"

Now, it was almost time for dinner, she must be hungry.

Feng Jin shook her head, wrapped her hands around Mo Wuchen's waist, smelled the good smell on his body, and said with a smile: "No, I'll go back later."

Go back later.

She absorbed it and didn't want to go back, but now it's very good, she likes it very much.

Although she had been lying in his arms like this before, the feeling was different and the mood was also different.

At this moment, she has a trace of attachment and nostalgia, and she is still reluctant to leave.

So, just let her stay a little longer and enjoy it.

She was not hungry and wanted to stay like this forever.

Mo Wuchen rubbed Feng Jin's head, said with a smile: "Okay, stay here."

It's very quiet and quiet here, and they don't come here at other times except when they are training on weekdays.

But he likes it here very much, and always likes to enjoy the tranquility and beauty of that moment quietly under this big tree.

Now, having one more person by his side gives him a feeling of happiness.

Everything is so beautiful.

There is a smile in the clear eyes, and the whole person looks so gorgeous and charming.

(End of this chapter)

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