The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 924 Laughter and Satisfaction 3

Chapter 924 Laughter and Satisfaction 3
Feng Jin hugged Mo Wuchen's waist, rested her head on his lap, closed her eyes, with a smile on her lips, quietly enjoying the peace and happiness one by one.

Happiness comes quickly.

She, however, does not feel concerned about gains and losses.

Mo Wuchen would never lie to her.

The wind passed without a trace, rolling up the bamboo leaves on the treetops, and slowly falling down one by one.

Under the bamboo tree, there are two white-clothed men, the man is leaning against the bamboo tree, and the woman is sleeping on his lap. Both of them have peerless faces, ethereal and dreamy like exiled immortals.

Bamboo leaves slowly drifted down and landed on the two of them, but they couldn't wash away the beauty and warmth of being alone.

Time flows slowly.

The person in my arms has already entered a sweet dreamland.

Looking at the sleeping face of the person in her arms, looking at her beautiful face, looking at her soft lines, looking at the shallow curvature of the corners of her mouth.

A heart, stirring up ripples, is extremely soft.

Caressing her cheek with one hand, pulling a strand of hair that fell from her forehead behind her ear, looking at this sleeping face, sleeping so sweetly.
He didn't wake her up, or disturb her, he couldn't bear to wake her up.

The golden light in the sky had long disappeared, and the setting sun slowly rose, and the fiery red light shone on the two of them, coating them with a gorgeous and charming color.

The breeze is blowing, bringing a sense of coolness to the not-so-hot weather, and a little bit of coolness.

Mo Wuchen looked at the person who was still sleeping in his arms, a gentle arc was drawn on the corners of his lips, and he slowly picked her up, without waking her up, but slowly moved towards the bamboo forest step by step. go outside.

The pace is very light, not hurried at all.

It could be seen that he didn't want to wake Feng Jin up.

In the hall, everyone who was dining found a difference.

That is, Feng Jin and Mo Wuchen are not here.

They felt a little quiet, as if something was missing. It turned out that the two of them had disappeared.
Qingyin blinked her eyes, looked at everyone, and found that he had the same expression as hers, she was surprised: "Where did Fengjin and Wuchen go?"

Could it be that he was hit again?

Think about it, it's impossible.

Mo Wuchen won't be so ruthless in rejecting Feng Jin twice, some things can be said once.

Everyone is smart and understands.

"I don't know." Li Shang shook his head, he didn't see the two of them.

"Then where did they go? They shouldn't be arguing in the bamboo forest, right?" Qingyin's moist eyes narrowed slightly, and a gleam of light floated in them, shining brightly.

Those two couldn't really be arguing, could they?

Looking at it like this, she secretly despised herself in her heart.
This kind of thing doesn't seem to happen,

So why did they go?
Lan Zihan quietly ate the food that Leng Yichen made for her, she remained silent and did not speak.

She doesn't like gossip very much, at least, compared with everyone at the same table, she is considered calm.

Qing Kuang took a sip from the wine glass in front of him, and smiled evilly: "They must be in the bamboo forest." You don't need to think about it.

Mo Wuchen doesn't like to go out of the house, doesn't like to be busy, and often goes to that bamboo forest, this is something everyone knows.

Qingyin nodded in agreement: "Well, I know that." Where would they go if they didn't go there?She wasn't worried about them at all, she was just curious.

Curious what they did.

(End of this chapter)

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