The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 925 Everyone's Curiosity

Chapter 925 Everyone's Curiosity

"I don't know what they did." Frivolous shrugged, not knowing.
They all went out to play together today, and it was just in time for dinner when they came back, so we didn't have a chance to see the two of them at all.

I am not very worried in my heart, nothing will happen between them.

Feng Jin could handle Mo Wuchen's refusal very well without being hit.

So, what is it that she can't deal with calmly?
Qingyin turned her head and glanced at the people in the hall, but found that there was still no movement, her eyes rolled, and she said to herself: "This guy's perverted relatives and friends are too serious, despise, seriously despise."

Everyone: "."

They were all speechless about Qingyin's thoughts.

Lan Zihan picked up the wine glass in front of her, looked at the liquid in the glass, replaying the scene she saw in the bamboo forest in her mind, the corners of her lips curled up.
Is she the lucky one?To be able to witness that scene with my own eyes.

Come to think of it, it should be.

If Qingyin and the others knew about it, they might complain about her.

"Mom, what are you thinking?" Qingyin raised her head, just in time to see the curve of Lan Zihan's lips.

What is she happy about?
Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows and glanced at Qingyin, then shook her head: "It's nothing."

It's better for her not to say anything, it would be better if Feng Jin and the two came to tell them.

Leng Yichen turned his head and glanced at Lan Zihan, but didn't speak.

But he thought to himself, isn't it Feng Jin and Mo Wuchen who are together?
Speaking of which, he was also a little surprised.

He originally thought that Mo Wuchen would have to wait a while before he could see these feelings clearly and sort them out.

Did not expect that today is already together.

He doesn't care about their emotional problems, as long as they like it, he has nothing to ask for.

Furthermore, Mo Wuchen is really nice and matches Feng Jin very well.

Qingyin blinked her eyes, and shook her head; "There must be something, god=Mom, you haven't done this while eating."

It wasn't like this when she ate before.

Lan Zihan squinted at Qingyin, and raised her eyebrows: "You are observing me, can't you have a crush on me?"
This guy knows her so well, why doesn't she know.

Everyone fell silent: "."

Can you be more punctual in saying this?

They are still eating.

Almost sprayed it out.

Qingyin was confused in the wind: "."

Can she say that she noticed it by accident?

Can she say that she really just has a sixth sense?
Well, it seems impossible.

She clenched her fists, looked at Lan Zihan and said with a smile: "Mom, if I have a crush on you, Daddy must kill me."

What she said was the truth, if she had a crush on her, then before she could say a word, she would have been slapped to death by Leng Yichen.
She really wants to say that her heart is very weak, really weak.

She still didn't dare to provoke Leng Yichen.

Lan Zihan rolled her eyes: "Are you so spineless?"

This return weapon is very stressful to the deterrent power of her family man.

Qingyin raised her hand to pat her chest and said, "Mom, I definitely have backbone."

How could she be spineless?All she has is arrogance.

However, the raised hand was immediately put down, and said with a smile: "But, I'm still very afraid that god=father will slap me to death."
So, she's better off.

(End of this chapter)

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