Chapter 928 No One Believes the Truth

Even though he thought so, he didn't stop there.

She knew how to measure, and retreated out with frivolity.

If you want to watch a good show, you will have more time in the future, not this moment.

After the two left, Feng Jin threw herself directly into Mo Wuchen's arms, hugging his waist and not letting go.

Smelling the fragrance of his body made me feel very happy.

Today's mood, ups and downs, ups and downs.

All because of him.

Now, it's all perfect.

Mo Wuchen lowered his head to look at the woman in his arms, his lips curled into a curve, he patted her head lovingly, and asked softly, "Feng Jin, are you really not hungry?"

It's getting late now.

She didn't eat anything this afternoon.

Feng Jin rubbed her belly: "I'm a little hungry."

I am indeed a little hungry.

She hasn't eaten much today.

It was because I was too excited and happy just now.

Now that it has settled down, I can feel it.

"Let's go eat." Mo Wuchen said softly.

"Okay." Feng Jin nodded, there was nothing wrong with it.

Standing up, holding hands with Mo Wuchen, they walked out of the room.

Two figures, white clothes better than snow, the posture of heaven and man.

Everyone who passed by noticed that the aura of the two was different, a little weird, not the same as usual.

However, did not ask. 
These things are beyond their control.

The two went directly to the kitchen hand in hand, and after ordering a few dishes, they returned back the same way.

In the hall, the people who had had dinner were about to leave when Qingyin's cheers were suddenly heard.

Everyone looked up in surprise.

Is this person not normal today?
She was fine when she went out just now, but now, her appearance has changed, as if she had taken a stimulant.

Qingyin quickly ran into the hall, announcing the news: "I just saw Fengjin kissing Wuchen."
She must tell everyone about it.

There was no sound in the hall, and few people believed it.
Everyone glanced at Qingyin, and then silently went about their own business.

They won't believe this kind of thing.

Pick up=kiss?
how is this possible.

They are all clear about Mo Wuchen's temper and character, and they will never come to this kind of situation at all.

So, just think that Qingyin is joking.

Qingyin looked at the unresponsive crowd, and I clenched my fists: "What I said is true, in Fengjin's room."

She's clearly saying it's true, okay?

What are these people doing?

Shi Tian raised his eyes to look at Qingyin, and said lightly, "Qingyin, it's possible that you kissed frivolously."

It is said that the two of them were kissing, no one would doubt it, after all, the two of them looked tricky at first glance.

However, if Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin were mentioned, then they would not believe it.

It was really hard for them to believe that it seemed so outrageous.

Qingyin fell silent, and clenched her fists: "What I'm telling is the truth, okay? Don't believe me. I saw it with frivolous brother. If you don't believe me, go text him."

She is very innocent like frivolous, and nothing will happen to her.

Importantly, no one believed her.

Is her character really that bad?
Well, she's going to despise them, seriously.

These days, there are few children who tell the truth, but no one cares about her rare meekness and kindness.

She has a good sense of vicissitudes.


(End of this chapter)

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