Chapter 929 What I said is true

Among the people present, only Leng Yichen and Lan Zihan were the most calm.

Lan Zihan had already informed Leng Yichen of the matter after returning from the bamboo forest.

Therefore, the two of them knew it.

At this moment, it is very calm.

Really calm.

Lan Zihan looked at Qingyin, with a slight curve on the corner of her lips: "Feng Jin, how did you know?"

She saw it in the bamboo forest, it can only be said to be her good luck.

And Qingyin and Frivolity both saw it, did Feng Jin and Mo Wuchen pretend to be serious in front of them?

Think about it, the only way to be caught by them is the only way.

Feng Jin blinked her eyes, and her moist eyes were full of smiles; "After you backed out of her room door, you saw the two hugging and kissing each other." He paused, looked at everyone and said with a smile : "So, you understand."

It's better for her to be more reserved, she really can't say anything explicit.

Looking at Qingyin's appearance frivolously, he couldn't find it funny, the love in his eyes was fleeting, and disappeared very quickly, no one noticed.

She said so, but gave everyone a hazy line of events.

Sitting on the bed, embracing and kissing each other, there are not no such people.

Besides, the last sentence, 'you understand' made him very speechless.

The ellipsis behind it is intriguing.
People with impure thoughts will definitely understand mistakes and think wrongly.

Even she sounds like this, not to mention the people who don't know the situation.

Lan Zihan looked at Qingyin with raised eyebrows, and said with a smile: "Qingyin, I don't understand, please explain."
In fact, she didn't understand either, well, she didn't understand very much.

Qingyin rubbed the back of her head, said with a smile: "Damn=Mom, very pure, very pure and didn't do anything."

In front of Lan Zihan, she just felt that her concentration was too shallow.
It's not that she's afraid of them, but she can't hide anything from her godmother.

That is the problem of being too shallow.

In fact, it's really pure, but it's just a kiss, so there's no need to make a fuss about it.
The corners of Lan Zihan's lips curled into a curve: "Well, I guess so."

She knew the personalities of Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin.

Wouldn't do those things at all.

Just a kiss, really simple.

Nangong Xueling raised her eyebrows and looked at Qingyin: "Baby, why didn't you continue to watch the battle, were you kicked out?"

According to their personalities, it is impossible to let go of this excitement.
Qingyin clenched her fists: "Mother, I think so too. But no matter how bright my light bulb is, it won't be able to affect those two people."

It's not that she was kicked out, but that she didn't dare to keep lighting up.

Nangong Xueling whistled: "Honey, when will you be like Feng Jin and find a man you like together?"

This person didn't seem to want to worry about his future at all, and he didn't think about it seriously.

She is still young now, so she doesn't need to worry about those things, but she is also curious.

If there is a play to watch, who wouldn't watch it?

Qingyin curled her lips: "Mother, this kind of thing can't be rushed, Feng Jin and I are both one year older, okay?"

She wasn't very sad about the subject.

It really doesn't matter if you have someone with you or not.

It's just that she really didn't think about it.

Qingxue raised her eyebrows and looked at Qingyin: "Hasn't frivolity always been there, dare you say that you two are not tricky?"

She wouldn't believe this person, if there was nothing tricky between them.

(End of this chapter)

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