The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 930 Marry her as his wife

Chapter 930 Marry her as his wife
Qingyin fell silent, frowned slightly, and shook her head calmly: "No."

There is no tricks in the first place, okay?

She and Frivolous just have a better relationship, and she prefers to get along with him.

However, it was all directly treating him as her big brother.

How can that kind of feeling be changed?

Therefore, there is really no possibility between them.

Qingxue waved her hand; "I won't believe anything you say."

So what if she was sure she had no feelings for frivolity?Frivolous has always liked her.

It's fine if she didn't understand when she was a child, but now, if she still doesn't understand who frivolously likes, she can die.

He was quite unique to Qingyin when he was a child, and he didn't notice the strangeness of Qingyin, but everyone noticed it.

They have long regarded Qingyin and frivolity as a pair.

In this way, it seems that the emotional path of the situation is also somewhat difficult.

However, it is better than Fengjin.

Qingyin paused, spreading her hands together: "Okay, whatever you think." Feeling inexplicable.

They were used to joking and watching, and she was used to it.

The figures of Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin happened to be walking towards the hall, holding food in their hands.

Everyone looked at the two of them in unison.

Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin are very calm, really calm, accepting everyone's gaze calmly, there is no difference.

No tension, no apprehension, no unaccustomed, but very calm.

They didn't go to fight, and they didn't need to make such a serious scene.

It's just being together, there's really nothing to be awkward about.

Feng Jin put the plate in her hand on the table, turned to look at Lan Zihan, and said with a smile: "Mommy, you can prepare the wedding for me and Wuchen, we will get married soon."

She did what she said, and she has always been a person of action.

After speaking, the pot exploded in the hall, and everyone stopped their movements and looked at the two.
They should have heard right just now.

Are they going to get married?
Mo Wuchen is going to Fengjin?
This news really surprised them a lot.

If it wasn't for Mo Wuchen's character, they wouldn't be so surprised.

That is a person who doesn't talk much. He never cared about these things before.

But now, everyone has changed.

Everything is changing
However, there is nothing wrong with this variable.
Lan Zihan narrowed her eyes slightly, her phoenix eyes stared at Feng Jin and turned her head to look at Mo Wuchen, and said in a deep voice, "Wuchen, what do you think?" 
Did he think so too?

Mo Wuchen turned his head to look at Lan Zihan, a smile flashed across his eyes, and he nodded: "Well, I want to marry Feng Jin and marry her."

Give her a wedding, they are married.

These were not within the scope of his consideration before.

But now, it is different.

For the first time, take a relationship seriously.

For the first time, I fell in love with a woman in my heart.

For the first time, a heart will change for her change, beating restlessly.

Everything is because of Feng Jin, because of her arrival, because of her company and laughter.

Lan Zihan looked at Mo Wuchen's expression, and then saw the fleeting tenderness and pampering when he looked at Feng Jin, and felt relieved.

She has always been at ease with Mo Wuchen's aura.

Everyone knows his character and understands it.

If you love him, you will never leave him in this life, and you will never let go or betray him.

Therefore, she can rest assured and calm down.

They want to get married, why not?
(End of this chapter)

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