Chapter 931
Lan Zihan turned to look at Leng Yichen, asking for his opinion.

There was no movement in Leng Yichen's deep and deep eyes, they were very calm.

Looking at Lan Zihan, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of her lips: "As long as they like this matter, I will not interfere."

This is the original idea in his mind, as always, there will be no change.

They like each other, so stay together.

They fall in love with each other, and they get married.

They are not children anymore, they will think clearly by themselves.

For ten years, Feng Jin's love for Mo Wuchen has not decreased, but instead increased, very strong and pure.

She wants happiness, and only Mo Wuchen can give her happiness and happiness, as well as feelings.

Therefore, he has no objection to the two getting married.

Lan Zihan's phoenix eyes flashed a smile, she liked to peek at Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin: "How do you want to have a wedding?"

When a happy event comes, their mansion will not be peaceful anymore.
It's not bad to have a happy event, they are very leisurely anyway.

Nothing much, more is time.
Mo Wuchen turned his head to look at Feng Jin, the corners of his lips curved slightly: "It doesn't need to be too luxurious and complicated." Feng Jin doesn't like that.

Therefore, they are more monotonous.

"Well, yes, mother, I don't like such extravagant and cumbersome things, it will be tiring and unreal." Feng Jin nodded, what she said was right.

Looking at her character, you should know what she likes.

In fact, the wedding is just a formality.

However, that is also a kind of testimony, and it is naturally good to be blessed by everyone.

She heard from her mother what kind of wedding they held when they got married before, and she also liked that kind of wedding.

The atmosphere is elegant, simple yet stylish, with gorgeousness and charm.

Lan Zihan raised her eyebrows: "Okay, I understand."

She has prepared all these before, so she is handy all the time.

Li Shang looked at Nangong Xueling, with a playful expression on the baby's face: "Feng Jin, you want to marry Wuchen in such a hurry?"

To be honest, he has been with Mo Wuchen for so many years, and he has never seen him do this for anyone.

Even when he was a child, when Feng Jin confessed to Mo Wuchen, he was still alone and elegant.

Now, it has become a little more popular and has a stronger sense of presence.

Feng Jin raised her eyes to look at Li Shang, blinked her eyes, her long and curly eyelashes covered those bright starry eyes, very dazzling: "Well, yes, is it urgent? I don't think so at all."

She doesn't feel rushed at all.

Just saying it now.

Even if it is to dress up this Prince Chen's mansion, it will take some time, okay?

There's still time to buffer them, and there's still time to prepare.

Li Shang stroked his chin with one hand, and chuckled lightly: "Does Feng Jin feel lucky that such an outstanding person as Wu Chen has been picked away?"

After finishing speaking, she deliberately blinked at Feng Jin ambiguously.

That appearance seemed to be explaining something to her, only the two of them understood.

Feng Jin's star eyes froze for a moment, her heart skipped a beat, she was speechless about the meaning Li Shang conveyed.

She, right now, can't.

Mo Wuchen also doesn't know, so there is really no rush.

Qingyin looked at the two in confusion, and asked, "Daddy, what do you want to say?"

What did her father want to say?

She felt that this time she couldn't understand.

(End of this chapter)

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