Chapter 938 Are They Together?

Speaking of this, didn't she go to the bamboo forest for an appointment last time? Many days have passed since now, but, looking at her and her eldest brother, it seems that nothing has changed.

She asked frivolously, but he didn't say he was there, just laughed it off.

And Qingyin couldn't see anything anymore, she was like a normal person.

If they were together, it would certainly not be what it is now.

So that said, they are not together?
This should be the most likely possibility.

Qingyin shook her head: "No, what would I worry about?"
There is nothing wrong with her.

Feng Jin's eyes narrowed slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up: "I don't know what my brother is busy with lately, he keeps disappearing, and so does Qingxue. The two of them must be developing some kind of relationship, right?"

I thought to myself, it would be good to try it out.

Besides, frivolous and Qingxue are really not in the mansion these days, and sometimes they don't even come back for dinner, and the time they see each other is getting less and less.

Shi Tian went to the palace again, he is about to take over the throne, and he won't have much time to come out, these days.

So, it seems that everyone is not getting together.

After a few days of play, everyone will go, just get together and relax.

Qingyin supported her chin with one hand, when she heard what Feng Jin said, she frowned slightly and shook her head: "I don't know, it should be like this."

It is true that she hasn't seen frivolity for a while, and they came back late, so they hardly see each other.
Feng Jin looked at her slightly wrinkled willow eyebrows, and the corners of her lips curled slightly: "Does Qingyin like big brother?"

The two of them talked about everything, but it was the first time they asked her about this matter.
"I don't like it." Qingyin frowned, probably not liking it.

On that day, she refused to be frivolous.

"Qingyin, remember what you said, if you change your mind, I will punish you."

These words are still echoing in my ears, but listening to them, it has changed.

There seems to have been a change between the two of them.

He is no longer teasing her by her side from time to time as before, and he will no longer make jokes with her.
After that day, the time that the two of them could see each other became less and less.

This made her wonder, does he hate her?
Still don't like her?
There was a sudden burst in my heart.
do not like?
It should be better not to like it, and they can get along as before.

Feng Jin sighed: "I feel that elder brother likes you, could it be that I feel wrong, does he like Qingxue?"

Even though he said so, there was a joke in the lowered eyes.

Her elder brother would not like Qingyin anymore, she wouldn't believe it to the death.

That is simply impossible.

Qingyin shook her head: "Who can say clearly about feelings."

I have always had a dull feeling in my heart, and I don't know why.

Said Cao Cao arrived, and a frivolous voice came from the entrance of the garden: "Feng Jin, what are you talking about me?"

Feng Jin and Qingyin turned their heads to look, and as far as they could see, they were the two people who came together, holding hands together.

Under the shining of the golden light, they are particularly eye-catching, they are really a beautiful couple.

Are they together?

This is the doubt and incomprehension of the two.

However, Fengjin is better than Qingyin, she knows how to be frivolous, so naturally she won't believe this scene.
I'm afraid that someone with a heart wants to show it to someone.

She was surprised that Qingxue would agree to participate.

(End of this chapter)

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