Chapter 939 Like Qingxue?

"I didn't say anything bad about you, but you still miss me even outside." Feng Jin rolled her eyes.

She had just mentioned that he was not good at coaxing.

Besides, how old is she, will she still say bad things?

Shaking his head frivolously and laughing, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Feng Jin: "Didn't Feimo and the others come?"

Just the two of them here.

"No, I don't know what I'm busy with. I despise you all and fooled around." Feng Jin waved her hand, how could she know what Feimo and the others were busy with.

Dare to feel now, she is the most leisurely.

Qingxue shook her head disapprovingly: "Feng Jin, are you saying that grapes are sour because you can't eat grapes? I didn't fool around."

If she had the time to fool around, she might as well stay in the mansion and sleep leisurely.

Feng Jin spread her hands; "I don't believe what you said at all." After finishing speaking, he looked at the hands of the two tightly holding each other and smiled jokingly: "Brother, what's wrong with you two, come on, tell me quickly For a moment, I'll gossip and gossip."

The holding hand has not been let go yet, and she doesn't mind adding fuel to the flames.

Qingkuang didn't let go of Qingxue's hand, looked at Feng Jin and chuckled lightly: "What do you want to gossip about?"

Feng Jin hooked her lips and smiled slightly: "Of course it's about you and Qingxue. Could it be that elder brother likes Qingxue?"

She found that she was quite qualified to be an actress.

Qingkuang didn't speak, and led Qingxue to the stone table to sit down, turned to look at Fengjin, and said with a smile: "What do you think?"

Do not answer questions.

Does he like Qingxue?
He himself knew the answer to this question best.

"I don't know, that's why I asked you, big brother." Feng Jin also came over, shaking her head, looking very distressed.

How could she know.

If he knew, it would be difficult to catch up with Qingyin.

So, it's better to be confused.

A frivolous and evil smile: "I like it."

Those two simple words were heard by everyone present.

Feng Jin raised her eyebrows, brother, you can do it, you are strong.

Qingyin lowered her eyes, and there was a strangeness in her eyes, but she didn't quite understand.

Frivolous turned his head and glanced at Qingyin, looking at her downcast eyes, he paused for a moment, and there was a touch of distress in his eyes, but it disappeared quickly.

The corners of her lips curled up slightly: "Qingyin, why don't you come and sit down?"

The question was very natural and plain, but it seemed that something was missing.

It is because of the loss of the intimacy of the past, no longer seeming to care and pamper the lover, but becoming gentle, like Shi Tian and the others, treating them with a normal heart and the same.

Although there is some pampering, but that feeling can never go back to the past.

Qingyin raised her eyes, and a smile floated in her moist eyes: "Come here, how could I not come?" Qingyin blinked her eyes, joining in the fun, why wouldn't she participate? 
The four of them sat together, and for the first time, something was a little strange in the atmosphere.

But, no one mentioned it.

Feng Jin first broke the silent atmosphere: "Second brother, we will go out to play together in a few days, mother and the others will all go, so don't hold back when the time comes."
Just to prevent him from forgetting about it.

So, remind me again at this moment.

"Okay, I see." A light flashed in frivolous eyes, but others couldn't guess what she was thinking.

Feng Jin was lying on the couch bored, looking at the atmosphere that suddenly fell into silence, her heart was slightly restrained.

(End of this chapter)

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