Chapter 941 His Likes
Qingyin lay on the bed bored, with mixed emotions in her heart.

She didn't like thunder, very much.

If it was in the past, whenever there was a thunderstorm, a frivolous figure would appear in front of her, and then smile at her with a petting smile, giving tenderness and pampering. 
Spoken words of comfort, words that reassured her.

Now, he didn't see anything, and he didn't see any figure.

Rolling back and forth in the bed, rolling to and fro, nothing came out of the rolling.

Perhaps it was because of being too tired, lying on the bed, and fell asleep directly.

Breathing became quieter.

"Squeak" The door was pushed open from the outside, making a faint sound.

The frivolous eyes glanced at the room, and their eyes were locked on the big bed.

Although it was a slight breathing sound, she could still see it.

He closed the door, walked towards the big bed, looked at the little guy who had pulled himself into the quilt without showing his head, the corners of his lips curved slightly.

He knew that she looked like this.

Shaking her head helplessly, she lightly took off the blanket covering her head, covered her up, and then tucked it away.

Looking at that beautiful face, looking at that sleeping figure, there is a touch of doting and tenderness in Ru Mo's eyes.

Looking at her face, there is infatuation.

With one hand, fingers slowly approached her cheeks, wiping a strand of hair from her forehead.

The big hand picked up her small hand that was exposed, held it in the palm of the hand, approached her cheek, pressed a kiss on her lips, and then left.

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

Seeing her the same way today, seeing her lowered eyes, seeing her abnormality, he is happy.

It's just because she feels uncomfortable and depressed because of him being with Qingxue, which shows that she doesn't like him as much as she said.

It's just that she didn't see her heart clearly, didn't see clearly what she wanted, didn't see clearly whether she liked him or not.

She is very smart.

But sometimes, it is like a piece of white paper without any toner added, very pure.

She is bright and lively, she is lively, she is cute, she is wise, she is rascal, she is innocent,
No matter which side it is, he likes it very much, very much.

When he was a child, he already showed some scheming. He never objected to or had any opinions when others tied the two of them together.

Just because of acquiescence, just because of her, so he acquiesced.

The extraordinary relationship between them was acquiesced, and the intimate relationship between them was acquiesced.

It's just that she doesn't understand.

Every time he heard her call him frivolous brother, he just cared about it.

This frivolous brother is not that frivolous brother.

He sighed slightly in his heart, what should he do with this little white rabbit?
The rain outside the window is gradually decreasing, the thunder is getting farther and farther away, the boundary between the sky and the earth is clear, the gray sky has white clouds, and the blue sky can be seen farther away, and the clouds are bigger .

A ray of sunlight shone through the gap trimmed with gold, and it looked dazzling and sacred against the background of dusk.

The leaves of the shrubs began to shimmer with sparkling light, flickering and jumping like elves, confusing anyone's eyes.

The bright moon, which is not yet round, gradually rises to the sky.A transparent gray cloud faintly covered the moonlight, and above the field, there seemed to be a cloud of light smoke, and the strands were falling off, like falling into a dream.

(End of this chapter)

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