Chapter 942 Traveling Together 1
The clear blue sky is cloudless, as clear as jasper.
The summer sun flows as brightly as water notes, soaking up different charming joys.

It will be the top of the list, and the mountains are small.

The frivolousness at this time has this kind of feeling.

Standing on the top and looking down, the clouds and mist are shrouded, and the bottom is invisible. Everything becomes smaller, and you can see everything in a glance.

The mood is calm, and the troubles and worries in the heart are put down. At this moment, the whole body is light.

The sky is clear and blue, the clouds are not stained, the mountains are full of daisies, and the wind is warm. 
The sky is so blue, there is not even a trace of floating flakes, as if all the variegated colors have been filtered out, shining magnificently. 
"Frivolous, do you want to die for love? Standing here for so long." Qingxue's teasing voice came from behind.

Frivolous: "." Died for love?Does he need that?
Turning her head to look at Qingxue, she rolled her eyes: "What do you think?"

He's not going to die in love just like that, and Qingyin hasn't seen her own heart clearly yet, it doesn't mean he's going to die in love just like this.

"I think, you like self-torture." Qingxue blinked her eyes and smiled recklessly.

He obviously likes Qingyin so much, but he wants to use this method to make her see clearly.

She abused Qingyin and abused herself.

She and Qingyin were twins, so how could she not know what was going on in her heart.

As for feelings, she is just a little natural fool, she has never touched it before, and she doesn't know where the irritability and depression in her heart come from.

If she doesn't speak clearly, she won't understand.

The frivolous and frivolous still use this method.

Being with her stimulates Qingyin so that she can see her heart clearly.

"If you don't torture yourself, how can you let that little guy sort out his inner feelings." Frivolous spread his hands, speaking helplessly.

He didn't want to use this method either, but he wasn't sure whether Qingyin liked him, just like he liked her, very much, very much.

That kind of liking has already transcended everything and transformed into love.

It is said that feelings are the most hurtful and confusing, and he thinks this sentence is not bad at all.

Qingxue laughed teasingly: "Well, she doesn't seem to have taken the bait yet. The road to love is bumpy. Feng Jin is luckier than you."

Ten years of waiting, just to look back at the person I changed.

They all thought that it would be a long time to suffer, but they didn't expect that it would be a matter of course so soon.

This, on the contrary, surprised them.

I don't know where it came from, but I am deeply in love.

Maybe they just can't see their inner feelings clearly.

Just like Mo Wuchen, the fog in his heart was lifted and dissipated, and he naturally knew what he wanted.

Frivolous and evil smile: "Well, Fengjin is like Wuchen now, don't you look happy?"

He was very happy that his beloved sister's ten-year wait had finally come to an end, a perfect ending.

"Everyone is happy for them." Qingxue spread her hands, her eyes sparkling.

Who is not happy for Mo Wuchen and Feng Jin?
They are all people who really want to see the two of them live well.

He laughed frivolously and said nothing, and did not speak again.

"You said that our family has such excellent genes, why is the relationship path so difficult?" Qingxue blinked her eyes, curious about this point.

Everyone in their family is so good, such a good breed, when it comes to feelings, none of them are smooth.

At least, this is the case for Feng Jin, Qingyin, and frivolity, and the rest of them don't know for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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