Chapter 943 Traveling Together 2
It stands to reason that others should chase them.

Now, on the contrary, it's down to them chasing other people.

Frivolous and frivolous: "Is there any way to do this? If it comes, no one can stop it." Could it be that he should stop liking Qingyin?That's impossible, okay?

To be honest, he and Feng Jin both went after others.

I thought to myself, there should be no problem with the genes, these are all well inherited.

It's just that it all depends on who they fall in love with.

Whether it is abuse or not, you can write it yourself.

Qingxue smiled sweetly: "Torturing is healthier, and it's cheaper for me, a theatergoer."

She didn't participate in it, she just played a role in it.

The entanglement and pursuit between the two, she watched this scene.

He glanced at Qingxue frivolously and contemptuously: "Feng Shui takes turns, sooner or later it will turn on your head, when the time comes, the status of watching the theater will change."
She is light now because she has no one she likes.

However, sooner or later we will face this matter.

He didn't believe it anymore, his relationship path would be so smooth.

He saw that she and Shi Tian would finally get together, but both of them had such strong temperaments and were so at odds, it should be the most difficult one to get together.

What he was facing was the little white rabbit who had been lost all the time, so it was much easier than her.

Well, it's like this, easier than her.

Qingxue smiled unscrupulously, with an indifferent attitude, and waved her hand: "It's still early, so don't worry about it."

Her emotional journey is still far away, so don't mention this.

It was only in the end that she knew whether she would be abused or not, and she couldn't guarantee it herself.

Frivolously approaching Qingxue's ear, he smiled ambiguously: "I found that Shitian looked at me several times, maybe he has a problem with me."
Although he was chatting with Qingxue, he always paid attention to the frivolity over there.

Not only Qingyin took a few glances over, but also Shitian.

Well, he admitted that Shi Tian must be feeling uncomfortable, it must be because of Qingxue.

Speaking of this, Shitian, Qingyin, and Qingxue are all the same, they all didn't see their own hearts clearly.

It is said that the authorities are obsessed, but the bystanders are clear. This sentence is not wrong at all, and it makes sense.

Qingxue rolled her eyes: "What you said is wrong, I have no affair with him, please don't drag me into the water, okay?"

Frivolously left her ear, chuckled lightly: "Whether it matters or not, it doesn't count if you say it now, we'll wait and see."

Qingxue hooked her lips and smiled slightly: "OK, just wait and see." Girl, will I still lose?
On this side, they are chatting, but on the other side, the atmosphere is a little different.

Just as frivolously said, Qingyin and Shitian did look this way several times just now.

In the direction they looked, frivolity was close to Qingxue's ear, she was teasing something, it seemed to be talking about love, very intimate.
Qingyin raised her eyes and glanced at Qingxue and Qingkuang, her cherry lips parted slightly: "Qingxue and Brother Qingkuang are very suitable."

From her point of view, that was it, they were a good match.

Feng Jin on the side also looked up at the two people on the edge of the cliff, and chuckled: "Well, they are quite compatible, but I don't know if their relationship will gradually warm up. If they are together, then Let's get married together with me, He Wuchen, just get together. Brother and sister get married together, isn't it very lively?"

(End of this chapter)

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