Chapter 944 Traveling Together 3
It seems to be talking casually, but the joke in the bright starry eyes is fleeting, and Qingyin didn't notice it.

Qingyin took off a small red flower at her feet and played with it in her hands, a smile appeared in her moist eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly: "Well, if we are together, we will get married together with you. Very lively."

Feng Jin and Mo Wuchen's big wedding day is three months later.

Feng Jin was still complaining about the fact that the date was so far away, but as soon as Mo Wuchen came out, it was resolved immediately.

The tsundere girl waved her big hand, just wait, whoever is afraid of others, anyway, Wuchen is mine, and no one can take it away, I will cultivate and cultivate feelings first.

This is what Feng Jin said.

The peak is not like other peaks, which are full of strange rocks, weeds everywhere, and vegetation.

On the peak of this mountain, red, yellow, orange, blue, white, and various colors are intertwined to form a sea of ​​flowers.

At a glance, flowers can be seen everywhere, and there is almost no empty space without flowers.

The tip of the nose is full of the fresh scent of flowers, fresh and pleasant, intriguing.

Feng Jin lay directly among the flowers, looking at the blue and clear sky, it was a little dazzling, she stretched out her hand to cover her eyes, and said with a smile: "What type of man does Qingyin like?"

Is it the type of big brother?
Qingyin also lay down, closed her eyes, and lightly parted her cherry lips: "I don't know, I haven't thought about it."

She never thought about this kind of problem.

"My child, I'm not young anymore, it's time to think about it." Feng Jin said as if training.

Qingyin: "."

she is not small
This topic left her speechless for a while.

She hasn't reached the point where Ji is okay, she's only fourteen, so there's no need to worry.

"Who knows about emotional matters, if you meet, then stay together, if you don't meet, then you will be alone, nothing small or small."

She thinks so.

There's no need to spend your whole life with someone you don't like.

Therefore, feelings cannot be forced. She doesn't have anyone she likes yet, so don't worry about those.

Feng Jin smiled sweetly: "Qingyin, you are excellent and perfect. However, there is just one shortcoming, do you know what it is?"
"What?" Qingyin subconsciously continued.

"The downside is that my little Qingyin is a natural fool in the world of emotions." Feng Jin said with a smile: "Some things, as long as you think about it, think about it, and understand it. But , my Xiao Qingyin's emotional cells are definitely the best Xiaobai type."
After all, he sighed.

There were three black lines on Qingyin's forehead: "." He was speechless.

Is she that naive?Is she that bad?
She feels okay, she feels that she is not so bad.

The corners of Feng Jin's lips twitched slightly: "Xiao Qingyin, everyone will have times when they are confused, unable to see clearly their inner feelings and what they want in their hearts. For example, my house is dust-free, and there is love in my heart. But I didn’t know it, so I waited for ten years, I was still young and I still had time. However, in the world of feelings, there is no one who gets the initiative first, and everyone is the same.”

"Everyone will be tired sometimes, don't be blinded by the sand, don't let your own things slip away from your hands, it's not worth it."

(End of this chapter)

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