Chapter 945

"Feng Jin, what you said made me feel that you are so old and experienced." Qingyin's cherry lips curled slightly.

She did have this idea and cognition when she heard this.

Feng Jin: "." What she was discussing with her wasn't about this, okay? This guy, can you concentrate a little bit?
"Little Qingyin, I have to remind you of one thing very seriously." Feng Jin's voice suddenly became serious.

Qingyin smiled: "Okay, tell me, I'll listen." She was listening here, what did she want to say?
"Little Qingyin, you may not have seen your heart clearly. You said you don't like frivolous brother, but you have never asked your heart and seen clearly what you want. Maybe you haven't I know, but it can be seen from some details.

For example, when elder brother Cai was chatting and laughing with Qingxue just now, at that moment of ambiguity, did you feel a little dazzling, did you feel a little uncomfortable in your heart?Or do you feel bored?
These are all the rhythms that you like big brother, and they are all traces of heart palpitations.Does Xiao Qingyin have any signs of this? "After Feng Jin finished speaking, she turned her head and looked at Qingyin sideways and asked with a smile.
All of what she said was true.
Qingyin was lying among the flowers with her eyes closed, so Fengjin couldn't see her expression clearly.

"Little Qingyin, did you hear what I said? You must have fallen asleep." Feng Jin reached out and poked Qingyin's cheek.
Qingyin opened her eyes, feeling amused: "Feng Jin, with your active preaching in my ear, can I fall asleep?"

If she can fall asleep, she will become a god.

"Then what are you talking about, can't I sing empty city tricks alone?" Feng Jin rolled her eyes and gave Qing Yin a fierce look of contempt.

She just said it very seriously, did she comprehend it?
"I don't know, I don't know." Qingyin turned to look at Feng Jin, and shook her head: "I don't know, so, Feng Jin, this topic can be stopped."

She didn't want to discuss this topic, which made her feel very depressed.

She didn't know if it was what Feng Jin said, even if it was, that's not good, what should I say.

She is not very clear whether she likes to be frivolous or not.

If you just go ahead and say you like it rashly, what if it's not that kind of feeling?Wouldn't the relationship be deadlocked.

Feng Jin looked at Qingyin with contempt: "When you see it clearly, you will become a leftover woman, and my son can go out to make soy sauce by then."
She thought it was possible.

If it doesn't stimulate her, then the movement is like a turtle.

The bright starry eyes turned slightly, the light flashed, and the corners of her lips curled up slightly. She felt that she should have a good talk with Qingxue and her brother.

Explaining it in front of love Xiaobai is a fantasy and it won't work.

It's better to let my brother and Qingxue stimulate Qingyin, maybe it will have a good effect.

She has already said what she should say, and Qingyin is also very smart, even though she was laughing like this on the face, she must have thought about it in her heart.

Then, she will go to light a fire, burn it up, and watch a show.

Rubbing his chin with one hand, he nodded himself, um, this method is really good, so let's do it.

At this moment, Qingyin didn't know that the people beside her were calculating how to stimulate her, she was lying lazily among the flowers, smelling the fragrance, very comfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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