Chapter 958

She had heard her mother talk about their marriage, and she had seen the wedding dress.

The first time I saw her, I fell in love with her. When she gets married in the future, she will also wear a wedding dress.

There was an evil smile on the frivolous corner of his mouth: "Okay." After finishing speaking, he stopped looking at Qingyin, took a piece of the barbecue he had just roasted, and handed it to Qingxue: "Qingxue, give it a try, okay?" eat?"

The voice is very gentle and pampering, very different from the past.

Qingxue took the barbecue in Qingkuang's hands, sat beside him, chuckled softly: "Well, I'll try."

I thought to myself, this time I was really stimulated.

The beloved woman said that she would be his bridesmaid when he got married. This is really exciting. Will this guy be angry?

Shaking his head unconsciously in his heart, when will this self-abuse thing stop.

"Brother give me a piece, I'm hungry too." Feng Jin ran to sit beside Qingkuang, looking at the barbecue in his hand with bright star eyes, the star eyes were shining brightly.

She is also hungry.

Or eat a little before baking yourself.

Looking at Feng Jin frivolously and amusingly, he handed her the barbecue in his hand, and said with a smile: "It's been so long since I've been hungry."
"I'm doing a psychological survey for my little Qingyin." Feng Jin took the barbecue, started to eat, and whispered close to frivolous: "Brother, can you have something exciting? Little Qingyin doesn't work at all." 
He frivolously raised his eyebrows: "What do you think? That little guy doesn't feel anything at all."

It made him feel very frustrated, did she not care at all?

He obviously told her that he liked her that time, but she acted like nothing had happened.

Feng Jin half-closed her eyes, and there was a hint of teasing in her eyes: "Brother, let Xiao Qingyin see you and Qingxue kissing, do you think this is okay?"

She thinks it's doable, very doable.

Language is secondary. Seeing this scene, if you like it, even if you don't understand it in your heart, you will have some resistance.

She didn't believe that Qingyin would be so ignorant.

People around me are in pairs, even if they don't understand, they know these things.

She felt that it was just to stimulate Qingyin, otherwise it would not work.

Looking at Feng Jin frivolously, he chuckled lightly: "You can have this."

If Qingyin is still indifferent like this, then he has to change his strategy.

Shi Tian looked at Feng Jin jokingly: "Feng Jin, Wuchen is behind you, didn't you even notice?"
Feng Jin rolled her eyes: "Impossible." Wuchen will not come at this time, this person knows how to lie to her, so she won't be fooled.

"Feng Jin, what are you and frivolous talking about?" Tian Zong blinked his eyes, looked at Feng Jin and asked with a smile.

What are these two doing?He was also curious and interested to know.

Feng Jin shook her head and looked at Tian Zong innocently: "There is nothing, you are just like Xiao Qingyin, suspicious."
They will know about this plan when it is done, so don't say it for now.

Tian Zong chuckled: "Am I that suspicious? I asked openly, Feng Jin, I am very upright."

It's so difficult to get involved, so he just goes to the theater.

Damn, he won't believe it, and he won't see a good show.

Frivolity has not yet obtained Qingyin, so the fun is naturally unfinished.

Feng Jin raised the barbecue in Yang's hand, and said with a smile: "I'm eating barbecue, so I won't tell you more."

(End of this chapter)

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