Chapter 959

She didn't talk to him anymore, she didn't say anything decisively.

It is important to fill the stomach.

Qingyin came to sit next to Qingxue, and was about to take the barbecue on the side to roast, when suddenly a delicious barbecue was handed over in front of her.

Qingyin raised her head, looked at the smile in Shitian's eyes, curled her lips into a chuckle: "Have Shitian eaten?"

I don't know why, but she only calls her frivolous brother, but Shi Tian, ​​who is older than her, she doesn't want to call him, she just calls him by name.

Shi Tian raised the barbecue that was still roasting in the other hand, and said with a smile: "That will be ready soon, you can eat it first."

In his heart, he secretly despised the frivolity, not even giving the woman he loves barbecue.

"Okay, then I'll eat." Qingyin smiled, and started to eat without being polite to him.

Frivolous narrowed his eyes slightly, looked up at Qingyin, then at Shitian, and gave him a blank look.

He gave her a barbecue, and who is he giving this already cooked meat to?

He's not that heartless yet, okay? He's really not that heartless. He's still very loving, and he doesn't want to see Qingyin hungry.

Even if these things hadn't happened, he wouldn't have done well.

Dare to feel that this person thinks him so stingy.

Shi Tian received the frivolous gaze, looked at the barbecue in his hand, slightly curved his lips, shrugged helplessly, and he didn't know if he had prepared for Qingyin.

He felt that if there were not too many people here, he would beat him, yes, he would.

Frivolously eating the barbecue in his hand, he suddenly turned his head to look at Qingxue at the side, and smiled slightly: "Qingxue, I'll take you to a place after eating."
The method Feng Jin said is feasible and can indeed be tried.

Qing Xue raised the barbecue in her hand, nodded: "Okay, I understand."
But in his heart he was thinking secretly, what kind of trick did Feng Jin give frivolous just now?

It would not be too kind to think about it.

The two best-in-class people have a dark belly, so can the method they came up with be pure?
Nodding her head, she must not be innocent, she cheated them and cheated her.

Qingyin didn't seem to get involved, she didn't know why, she just didn't want to talk.

A person, quietly eating the barbecue in his hand, became a little silent.

Feng Jin looked at Qingyin's appearance, turned her head and glanced at frivolous, raised her eyebrows, you have hurt my little Qingyin.

Frivolous rolled his eyes, can you talk a little more?
Where is the harm?
It's just that I feel uncomfortable in my heart. His little guy has yet to understand the feelings in her heart.

The last thing he wants to hurt is her, she loves her so much.

However, the current method is the best.

Maybe it's also good to stimulate.
Only this time, he won't do it a second time.

Qingxue raised her eyes and looked at the two people who were making eye contact silently, she looked down upon them, do you want to be so nonsense?Good things are not taken out to share with everyone.

Feng Jin curled her lips into a smile, raised her eyebrows and looked at Qing Xue, shook her head innocently, glanced at Frivolous, pouted, "No, the instigator."

Qingxue rolled her eyes and ignored the two of them, bored.

"Tsk tsk tsk, I said, a group of girls, are they eating alone here, and we haven't eaten yet." Nangong Xueling's teasing laughter came from behind.

Frivolous: "."

Killing the sky: "."

Feimo: "."

Heavenly "."
They are speechless.

group of girls
Are they men?

Are they men?

(End of this chapter)

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