Chapter 962

It wasn't just Tian Zong who was blown up, but also Fei Mo.

Feimo snorted coldly: "Frivolous, don't lower my taste, do you think he is my favorite?"

He's normal too, really very normal.

It's just that they have a good relationship with Tian Zong, but there is no impurity in that, they are very good brothers, okay?

It is the same with Shitian and frivolous.

But every time they saw the two of them, they would make fun of them.

So, he was speechless, really speechless.

Hearing this, Tianzong became angry again, and looked at Feimo gnashing his teeth: "What's wrong with me? I'm such a handsome person, do I lower your taste? I want to kill you, I must kill you .”
After finishing speaking, he rushed towards Feimo, fisted up, and the two of them fought together.

It's purely a competition.

Everyone has become accustomed to these two people, and there is nothing strange about them.

On the other side, Nangong Xueling brought Qingyin to a place some distance away from everyone.

Sitting among the flowers, Qingyin plucked a small flower next to her, and asked curiously, "Is there something you want to tell me, Mother?"

She is not stupid, she is very smart.

Her mother would not talk to her alone for the rest of the time, unless there was something wrong.

Nangong Xueling also sat down, patted Qingyin's head, and asked with a smile: "Baby, why were you so silent just now? I am your mother, so don't talk about what you have or what you don't have in front of me. won't believe it."

She is her daughter, doesn't she know her yet?

Listening to Qingyin's words, she frowned slightly and was very distressed: "Mother, I just feel bored and don't want to talk. I don't know why."

Yes, that's how she felt.

Therefore, I didn't want to talk, and I was alone in a daze, a little lost in thought.

She didn't know what was wrong with her, why she was like this.

The corners of Nangong Xueling's lips curled slightly, she raised her eyebrows and looked at Qingyin, and continued to ask: "Is that something you saw before that made you uncomfortable?"

She knew that she had a problem, she was abnormal, and she was worried about something in her heart.

Anyone who knows her well must have noticed that something is wrong with her, but it's just not as thorough as her.
Qingyin looked at the blue flower in her hand, recalled the scenes she had seen before, and frowned slightly, was it because of that?

"Baby, you don't need to hide anything in front of your mother. If there is something you don't understand, share it with your mother and suppress it in your heart. It's not a way." Looking at Qingyin's appearance, Nangong Xueling knew that she was thinking of something. why.

Qingyin frowned slightly, and shook her head: "I don't know if it's because of this, but I just feel that watching the frivolous brother get along with Qingxue, the scene of teasing, the scene of talking, the scene of looking at each other affectionately, It’s just a little stuffy and uncomfortable.”

That should be the case, her discomfort was caused by seeing these.

She didn't know what was wrong, so she was very distressed, very distressed.

The corners of Nangong Xueling's lips curled up slightly, a smile floated in her eyes, she stared at Qingyin and said seriously: "Baby, do you know what it's like to like someone? It's your reaction now."

She likes that brat, and after listening to her narration, she can clearly prove it.

Qingyin's heart skipped a beat, and she shook her head: "But, I only treat my frivolous brother as my brother."

(End of this chapter)

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