Chapter 963
She just regards frivolity as her elder brother, so where did those strange feelings and liking come from?

Nangong Xueling curled her lips and smiled: "Baby, if you don't like that brat, why would you feel uncomfortable seeing him walking so close to Qingxue so intimately? Tell me, if you usually see Qingxue Do you feel uncomfortable at the intimate scene of Qingkuang and Fengjin together?"

She felt that she should teach the commentary step by step.

Qingyin frowned and meditated for a while, and heard the intimacy and pampering between frivolous and Fengjin in the usual days. She didn't feel anything wrong, looked at Nangong Xueling with her eyes, and shook her head: "No, mother, I I don't think there is anything unhappy or uncomfortable. "

She felt normal and there was nothing wrong with everything.

"Very good, baby, tell me, why do you feel uncomfortable when you see Qingxue and frivolity together?" Nangong Xueling looked at Qingxue with raised eyebrows, and asked with a smile.

Qingyin fiddled with the flowers in her hand, frowning in thought.

After a long time, I raised my eyes to look at Nangong Xueling, and said softly: "I just thought that scene was very dazzling, and I felt bored and uncomfortable when I watched it. My frivolous brother's attention was not on me. Looking at him Being so close to Qingxue, there is a slight sense of loss in my heart."
So, does that count?
These are the emotions in her heart, she thinks that's it.

"Then why do you suddenly have this idea, why didn't you feel this way before?" Nangong Xueling looked at Qingyin with a smile, and smiled slightly.

Qingyin shook her head, her eyebrows furrowed slightly: "I don't know, I don't know why this happened."

Speaking of this, I sighed slightly in my heart: "Maybe it's because I still can't get used to the change of my frivolous brother. He is no longer as enthusiastic about me as before. In his eyes, there is another person. For my little sister There is less love, so I still can't adapt and get used to it."
Because of the sudden change of frivolity, she was very uncomfortable.

In the past, the relationship between the two of them was so good, they were very close, and they talked about everything.

Now, he will not go back to the past, and will not look at her like before, his sight is no longer her, but Qingxue.
This feeling of sudden loss made her unacceptable and unable to adapt.

"Then do you like to be frivolous?" Nangong Xueling patted Qingyin's head and asked softly.

"I like it." Qingyin blinked her moist eyes and replied very seriously.

She has always liked frivolous brother.

Nangong Xueling shook her head: "I'm not talking about this kind of liking, I'm talking about the liking between a man and a woman, that's love, not family affection, just like Wuchen and Fengjin, it's a relationship between two people love."
You don't need to ask, you know which one she likes.

Sighing slightly in her heart, she felt that Qingyin's personality was very similar to Mo Wuchen's, and she was a noob when it came to feelings.

Some time ago, Mo Wuchen didn't understand, and Feng Jin abused himself.

Now, it's Qingyin who doesn't understand, frivolity and she are both self-abuse.

This self-abuse thing should stop.
Qingyin paused slightly in her heart, and a trace of complexity flashed across her moist eyes.

She still remembered every word frivolously said to her in the bamboo forest that day, the words of confession she said.

His eyes froze slightly, the words of confession were the ones that frivolous brother had confessed to her.

(End of this chapter)

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