The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 968 Qingyin Misunderstood

Chapter 968 Qingyin Misunderstood

"No." Shaking his head frivolously.

If he saw it, would he still ask them?
Feng Jin's expression also became serious, and her brows furrowed slightly: "Brother, I think you need to ask Gan=Mom what she and Qingyin talked about."

She always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't explain it all the time, and she didn't know where the problem was.

However, now it is somewhat clear.

It must be Fang Caiqian = Mom asked Qingyin to say something.Otherwise, she wouldn't be so happy when she came back, and she wouldn't be pretending at all.

"Okay." Nodded frivolously, turned around, and quickly walked in the direction of Nangong Xueling and his party.

Nangong Xueling was originally chatting with Lan Zihan and his party. Wherever he looked, he saw the figure of that man who was facing this direction.

She looked at frivolity and whistled, and joked: "Boy, is it done so quickly? I thought you would stay for a long time."

Could it be that it will be ready so soon, so come over to thank her?

Shaking his head, that's impossible.

He had never been so polite.

Lan Zihan looked at the fleeting seriousness in frivolous eyes, and raised her eyebrows: "What's wrong?"

He is her son, she can see what he is thinking.

The current appearance is obviously abnormal.

Everyone also noticed his difference, Nangong Xueling suppressed the smile in her eyes, and looked at him puzzled: "Stinky boy, are you not happy that you are with my baby Qingyin?"

This man, with a serious face, what does he want to do?
Looking frivolously and puzzled at Nangong Xueling: "Mom, what are you talking about?"

He couldn't understand her words, he was half-knowledgeable and confused.

Nangong Xueling narrowed her eyes slightly: "Didn't Qingyin look for you? Didn't you see her? It's strange, she obviously intends to confess to you."
This is strange, didn't Qingyin confess his love to him?
"What did you say?" Qingkuang's pupils shrank suddenly, and there was a deep look between his brows, with a hint of disbelief.

Did Qingyin come over to ask him to confess his love?

A heart suddenly tightened, and there was a touch of anxiety and uneasiness in my heart.

Nangong Xueling looked at the situation with a serious look in her eyes, and said in a deep voice: "I have enlightened her, she has seen her heart clearly, and she also knows that she likes you. I went to find you, didn't you see it?"
What happened to the two of them?
The result was not what she expected.

Hearing these words, Qing Kuang was both happy and worried.

The joy is that Qingyin finally sees her inner feelings clearly.

Worry is
"Damn it!" He couldn't help cursing in a low voice, his voice was full of annoyance and self-blame.

Looking up at Nangong Xueling, she asked seriously, "Has Qingyin been here?"

Has she ever been here?

At this moment, he just wants to find her quickly, and then everything will be clear.

What a bastard he was, for letting her see that scene, he was damned.

He must have hurt her, must have been.

I was anxious and worried.

"I don't know, I haven't been here before." Nangong Xueling shook her head, looked at her frivolous appearance, and said in a deep voice: "Although I don't know what's wrong with you, but, go and find my baby. If you dare to hurt her, you will be killed in the future." Don't want to marry her."

Although I don't know what's wrong with them, but looking at its expression, annoyance and anxiety, I can already guess that something is wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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