Chapter 969 His Remorse
No matter what happened between them, it is more important to settle the immediate matter first, and the others can be temporarily put aside.

There must have been some twists and turns, otherwise, Qingyin would not have left.

Nodding frivolously, he said in a deep voice, "I will." After speaking, he turned and left quickly.

There is firmness in his eyes, he will not let Qingyin do anything, and he will explain clearly.

If he had listened to Qingxue's words today and had to look at the situation before making a decision, then if it was i who changed it, it wouldn't be what it is now.

However, it is too late to regret now, the most urgent thing is to find Qingyin first.

He ran all the way to the way he came, while constantly looking around, for fear of missing any place.

All the way back to the original road, he had reached the halfway up the mountain, but he still didn't see Qingyin's figure.

Frivolously frowning, he continued to run towards Shan blindly.

There was no sign of him on the peak, nor around, so she must have gone down the mountain.

There is self-blame in my heart, and the deep self-blame cannot be dispelled.

He hurt his little one, what a jerk he was.

He rushed all the way towards Yu Qu and rushed down the mountain. At the same time, he would look around to see if there was that familiar figure.

At the foot of the mountain, Qingyin was walking bored alone, and the images of frivolity and Qingxue kissing were always playing back in her mind, so clear and painful.
She saw that scene with her own eyes, and she could never forget it, and she couldn't act as if nothing happened.

If he didn't like it, he wouldn't kiss her.

If he didn't like it, he wouldn't have made such a big change.

The mother said that the frivolous brother has liked her for more than ten years.

However, now she just finds it ironic, really ironic.

If you really like it, why would you treat Qingxue like that?

In their concept, there is always one couple, not the woman they like, they will never bring into the house, and they will never do anything out of line or wrong.

When she watched the scene of frivolous and Qingxue kissing in the sea of ​​flowers, her heart was full of loss and melancholy, as well as deep sadness.

With such an obvious action, it is obvious that he is saying one thing.

They really love each other, they really like each other, that's why they are together.

Otherwise, a person without feelings would not do such a thing.

In any case, that scene is an unchangeable fact, and no one can change it.

She has seen it with her own eyes, and there is no falsehood.

His heart was stuffy, his heart was throbbing slowly, his eyes were lowered, his eyes were full of complexity, he didn't see a figure in front of him, so he bumped straight into it.
Qingyin didn't have much defense at all, his figure hit a wall of flesh, rebounded, and his body wanted to fall backwards.
The man quickly grabbed Qingyin's arm, brought her into his arms, and asked worriedly: "Girl, are you alright?" He probably didn't bump into her, right?

Qingyin raised her eyes, looking at the man in front of her with moist eyes, her handsome face was as gentle as water, giving off a fresh and elegant aura.

Shaking his head: "It's okay, I'm sorry, I bumped into you."

She didn't look at the road much, and didn't realize it until she hit a wall of flesh.

Lan Ye looked at the woman in her arms. She had fair skin, delicate facial features, a small nose, cherry red lips, long eyelashes fluttering, and a pair of hydrated eyes that shone brightly, with a hint of cuteness and charm. Playful.

(End of this chapter)

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