Chapter 976
"Little Qingyin is jealous because she saw me kissing Qingxue, so she doesn't want to talk to me, right?"

He frivolously raised his eyebrows and looked at Qingyin playfully.

He hoped that she could be more frank, and be more frank with each other, so that many detours would be avoided.

Qingyin paused in her heart, but her face remained unchanged. She raised her eyebrows to look at the frivolous, and sneered, "Are you too self-righteous, and I don't like you, why am I jealous?"

Frivolous narrowed his eyes slightly, took a few steps closer to Qingyin, embraced her with his big hands, pressed close to her cheeks, stared at those moist eyes, and curved his sexy thin lips slightly: "Qingyin Do Yin like me?"

Gan=Mom said that Qingyin liked him, but he wanted to hear her say it himself.

Looking at a magnified face and a heart that was so far away from her, he raised it slightly, with a trace of tension.

Looking at the ink-like eyes staring at her, they were so evil and charming, as if they were about to be squeezed in, they were so profound.

"Huh? Are you dumbfounded?" Frivolously, he was very satisfied when he saw that the moist pair was his shadow.

Qingyin's cheeks couldn't help but flush a little, she was very uncomfortable to be in close contact with him now, and wanted to push him away, but she was not as strong as him at all, so she had to give up.

The moist eyes collided with the frivolous deep eyes like ink, and the long eyelashes flickered slightly, as long as two brushes, very beautiful and charming.
Frivolous looked at her uneasiness, smiled, and his voice was like a magic voice, bewitching people: "Tell me, do you like me?"

Rumo's eyes are filled with the reflection of Qingyin.

When this is me in you, you in me. 
In each other's eyes, only each other is left.

Qingyin blinked her eyes, her long and curly eyelashes blinked, without a single touch, they all carried a trace of charm and seductive style,
Qingyin lowered her eyes and stopped looking at him, and she couldn't help feeling angry in her self-torture.

What does he mean?
Since they have already decided to marry Qingxue, why do they ask her these questions?

Is this fun?

My heart suddenly sank, do you like it?
The corners of the mouth slowly drew a curve, and said in a deep voice: "I don't like it, I have never liked it, so don't say these things to me again, don't be so close to me anymore, being seen by others, it's not good, it will damage my reputation. "

Now that she is about to get married, she will be completely selfish and cannot have any nostalgia.

Love, the idea is to hurt others and hurt yourself.

I didn't understand it before, but now I understand it, but I fell in love with the man others like.
She felt that she was just trying to die, very much.

She felt a slight pain in her heart when she said this.

A small tingling sensation, so clear.

"You're lying, I won't believe what you said." Looking frivolously at Qingyin, the corners of her lips curled up.

He has always known her character very well, so he doesn't believe what she just said at all.

"That's the truth, believe it or not, it's up to you." Qingyin lowered her eyes and said in a deep voice.

"Since it's the truth, why don't you dare to look up at me and say it seriously." Looking frivolously at the little girl in his arms, a smile floated in Ru Mo's eyes.

The little girl is not good at lying at all, and she doesn't have the brain cells to lie, even worse in front of him.

Therefore, whether what she just said is true or not can be seen at a glance.

(End of this chapter)

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