The bloodthirsty prince and the cold concubine

Chapter 977 A scene out of control

Chapter 977 The Scene Out of Control

Qingyin was furious, with a fire in her heart, raised her head and glared frivolously: "What do you really want? What do you want to know? Do I like you or not? Are these important? Don't forget, Qingxue is It's the person you like, you are going to get married, don't say something in front of me, or ask me something, it's unnecessary, it's really unnecessary."
She didn't understand what he wanted to do, why he kept asking her if she liked him.

With a wry smile in my heart, so what if I like it?So what if you don't like it?
The end result is the same, there is no difference.

Therefore, she would rather rot in her stomach, not to tell people, not to tell them.

This is the best way, no one will be hurt, no one will be fine, and no one will feel guilty.
Frivolous eyes fixed on Qingyin, and asked seriously: "Qingyin, don't tell me that, what I'm asking is, do you like me?"

Things that seemed serious to her were nothing at this moment, nothing.

she's the most important she's the most important
Qingyin's eyes sank suddenly, and she felt powerless in her heart. Why is it so incomprehensible and troublesome to talk to him?
Does it make sense to like him or not?

A strange color flashed across the watery eyes, looked up at the frivolous, and said in a deep voice: "You want to know if I like you or not?"
"Well, yes." Nodding frivolously.

He just wanted to hear what she had to say.

That meaning is really different.

A smile was drawn on the corners of Qingyin's lips: "Didn't you see the man in blue today? The person I like is him, Lan Ye, not your frivolousness. I have always regarded you as my Brother, it was true before, and it is true now."

Staring at Qingkuang with both eyes, he smiled purely: "So, brother Qingkuang is just my brother, nothing else."

The crisp and pleasant voice resounded in this place.

It is obvious that my heart is very painful, but I still have to pretend that I don't care about anything.

No one is in more pain than her, no one is more entangled than her, she feels that she is going to die.

All the loud words just now reached the frivolous ears.

He didn't speak, but just looked at her blankly, as if he wanted to describe her face and keep it in his heart.

Qingyin couldn't stand such a gaze, her cherry lips parted slightly, and she was about to tell him to let her go, but her lips were blocked by a cool edge,
The figure froze immediately, she was completely petrified, and she froze on the spot, unable to recover.
Frivolous embraced her waist with one hand, and clasped the back of her head with the other, sweeping towards her with warm kisses.

Thin lips covered her lips, sucking gently.

Qingyin's body trembled suddenly, looking at the scene in front of him, looking at the beautiful face so close, the tip of his nose was filled with his breath.
The eyebrows furrowed slightly, and the scene of him hugging and kissing Qingxue in the sea of ​​flowers came to mind. Thinking of their relationship, she pressed her hands on his chest and pushed him away forcefully.

"Crack!" The crisp applause sounded at this moment.

Qingyin stared blankly at her palm, and looked at the bright red five palm prints clearly displayed on the fair skin of Frivolous left cheek, so clear, so conspicuous, and so eye-catching.
One hand trembled slightly, panic and trembling floated in the moist eyes, and there was a fleeting distress.

(End of this chapter)

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