Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1016 A Different Form, More Happiness

Chapter 1016 A Different Form, More Happiness
"I just have a cold, but I'm much better now, go sit in the house, we're almost ready."

Several people stood at the kitchen door, blocking the kitchen door.

"What are you sitting on? Take it, I'll do it."

Qi Chuang reached out and took off the coat and handed it to Yu Xiaowan, then pulled her out by the way, and walked into the kitchen with his sleeves rolled up.

Lu Jiaxin stuck out her tongue at Xiao Wan.

It was freezing cold outside, so he dragged her into the main room.

There are a few old men left, those who put the table put the table, and those who serve the ingredients serve the ingredients.

"I have ready-made hot pot ingredients and small ingredients from the store in my car, Jiaxin, my car keys are in my coat pocket, go get them in my car."

"Good guy, Boss Qi's car is already driving."

Lu Jiaxin made a joke, took out the car keys from Qi Chuang's coat pocket, wrapped herself in a down jacket, and went outside to get things from the car.

Lu Mu now brought a plate of shiitake mushrooms into the house, and while putting it on the table, said to Xiao Wan, "Don't eat spicy food for a while."

Yu Xiaowan wrinkled her little nose, "Got it, you said it just now."

"I didn't expect Qi Chuang to get the hot pot base from the store just now." Lu Mu added.

If it was the chili they fried themselves, maybe Yu Xiaowan could resist the temptation. After all, she usually can't eat spicy food, so she can only add a little when eating hot pot.

But the restaurant's hot pot base is carefully cooked with Master Sun's secret recipe, and the taste is really tempting.

Yu Xiaowan's throat has been uncomfortable for the past few days, and she can't eat anything spicy.

Seeing Lu Mu frowning slightly, Yu Xiaowan responded repeatedly, "Okay, okay, don't worry, I won't eat."

Soon, the hot pot soup was rolling in the pot, and the whole room exuded a tempting aroma.

A group of people sat around the table and raised their wine glasses.

"I'll say one first, I'll say one first."

Lin Dongyang was the first to stand up, "I hope our company will grow bigger and bigger, and become the king of real estate in Jin City as soon as possible."

"Okay," Li Wei called out.

Fu Jianhai joked with a smile, "Your company is still small, how long has it been? King of real estate in Jin City, this goal can be achieved, Lu Mu, I'm waiting to see you become a real estate tycoon."

Holding the wine, Lu Mu clinked glasses with Fu Jianhai, "A lot happened this year, and it was a turning point in my life. Thank you Brother Fu for making it this far. I should respect you for this first cup."

"Yes, Brother Fu should be respected," Li Wei echoed, "You are the nobleman of Lu Mu and us. If it weren't for Brother Fu, my engineering team might be disbanded. Where can we go further?"

"Brother Fu."

All the people present toasted together, it was very lively.

After drinking, cooking meat, and looking at everyone present, Yu Xiaowan had a smile on her face, but Lu Jiaxin seemed to be dreaming.

"Second sister-in-law, will you and your second brother do the same thing before you go home in previous years?"

Yu Xiaowan knew what she was referring to, shook her head, and said in a low voice, "There is no such scene, at most it is a party in the factory, and there will be people you hate."

Well now, in a different form, with more joy.

The most important thing is those who work hard together.

A table of people, eating hot pot and chatting lively, did not leave until late at night.

When we meet again, it will be the Spring Festival, and before parting, we even say New Year greetings to each other.

Yu Xiaowan took advantage of the time when everyone was chatting, and La Qi rushed to the side.

"What's the matter? Don't plan to go home this year?"

(End of this chapter)

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