Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1017 This is enough

Chapter 1017 This is enough

"That's impossible. If I don't go back, I'm afraid my mother will really come here."

Qi Chuang chuckled, "Let's do it on the first day of the new year. A guest has ordered a New Year's Eve dinner. When the work is over, I will go home directly on the first day of the new year and wish my parents New Year's greetings."

"Okay, it's different now that we have a car."

Seeing his somewhat complacent appearance, Yu Xiaowan couldn't help but make fun of him.

Because of the need, Qi Chuang took the driver's license test in the summer, and after getting the driver's license, he also bought a car.

"Do you think I'm called returning home?"

Qi Chuang asked Yu Xiaowan with a smile.

Yu Xiaowan rolled her eyes at him while drinking juice, "Isn't this nonsense? Isn't this what you call returning home?"

Lu Jiaxin also came over after hearing the words, "Second sister-in-law, what do you say about me?"

"You? It's not far away."

Lu Jiaxin flattened her mouth.

In fact, she just asked that question, she still knew her weight.

But Yu Xiaowan continued, "However, it's enough to trample those people who look down on you."

Lu Jiaxin's eyes lit up.

That way, that's enough.


Although there is a car, there is no need to go to the long-distance bus station early in the morning to catch the bus, but thinking that tomorrow is the full moon feast of the elder brother and son, according to the rules, the family will be busy this afternoon.

Lu Mu didn't waste any more time, and dug Yu Xiaowan out of the bed before dawn.

Seeing the little girl sitting on the bed swaying and dazed, felt helpless for a while.

"Hurry up and get dressed, if you are sleepy for a while, go to the car and squat for a while."

Lu Mu helped her put her clothes on while talking.

"Oh, let me go, second brother, you really married a daughter."

Lu Jiaxin came over with big bags and small bags. Hearing the movement in the room, he raised his head and saw this scene, and yelled exaggeratedly.

During the time I came to Jin City, I usually heard people talking about how the second brother and the second sister-in-law were talking about how the second brother doted on the younger sister-in-law.

Normally, she didn't think so, but now that she saw that the clothes were all helping to wear, was it her daughter or something?
After being yelled at by her like this, Yu Xiaowan completely woke up.

The little face couldn't help but blush, took the clothes from Lu Mu's hands, and put them on himself.

He even reached out to push Lu Mu, "Go and do your work."

Knowing that the little daughter-in-law was shy again, Lu Mu rumpled her messy long hair even more, then turned and went out to wash.

I started early and drove by myself again, and arrived at the county seat at noon.

It was too late for lunch to rush home now, so the three simply found a restaurant in a small county town and had dinner before continuing on the road.

After driving for more than an hour, in the afternoon, I finally rushed home.

As soon as the car stopped at the door, Zhuang Zhuang ran out of the yard. When he saw Lu Mu and the others, he shouted happily.

"Second uncle, second aunt, little aunt, you are back, grandpa, father, my second uncle and the others are back."

Zhuang Zhuang is now a primary school student. He is well-raised by his family. He is fat and strong, and he really lives up to his name.

Lu Jiaxin grew up watching Zhuang Zhuang, and her aunt loves this nephew very much.

Immediately waved to the little guy, "Come here, aunt and aunt bought you a gift."

Lu Mu also opened the trunk at this time, and Lu Jiaxin picked out the little guy's things from the inside.

At this moment, Father Lu and Lu Wei also heard the voice.

The moment he saw the three people outside the door, Father Lu's pupils suddenly shrank.

 Thank you Liu Weiwei.| for the monthly pass, okay.

(End of this chapter)

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