Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1037 Pretend not to see

Chapter 1037 Pretend not to see

When Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan arrived at Grandpa Lu's house, Grandma Lu was making noodles and preparing to make dumplings.

Lu Mu directly rolled up his sleeves to help stomp the cabbage stuffing, while Yu Xiaowan stood aside and talked to them.

After a while, the stuffing and noodles were reconciled, and several people gathered together to make dumplings.

Yu Xiaowan is not very good at making dumplings.

In Lu Mu's words, the dumplings she makes are like sleeping in like she does.

However, it is still possible to roll the skin.

"Hey, Xiao Wan rolled this dumpling skin really well, it's round and thin."

"Hey, Xiao Wan rolls the dumpling wrappers really fast. If she rolls the dumpling wrappers quickly, she can be in charge. In the future, we, Xiaowan, will definitely be in charge."

"Oh, Xiaowan's little hand is really clever."


Grandma Lu looked at her grandson and daughter-in-law with a smile on her eyes and brows, and she never stopped boasting.

In the end, the corner of Lu Mu's mouth couldn't help but twitch when he praised him.

"Grandma, I remember when I was a child you said that I rolled the dumpling wrappers quickly and that I would be able to be the head of the family in the future, but now you say that Xiao Wan will be the head of the house. Which of these words is accurate?"

Lu Mu asked lightly while making dumplings.

Yu Xiaowan couldn't help but glanced at the man beside him.

Knowing that he was deliberately teasing grandma, but never found that he still has such a side.

Grandma Lu gave her grandson a sideways glance, she didn't feel embarrassed by his words at all, and said as it should, "Of course Xiao Wan is in charge, shouldn't you, a big man, let Xiao Wan go?"

Knowing this was the result, Lu Mu slightly curled his lips, showing a rare aggrieved expression, and glanced at Yu Xiaowan.

Yu Xiaowan lowered her head and pursed her mouth, pretending not to see it.

After eating a warm meal of comforting dumplings, Grandma Lu didn't let Yu Xiaowan and Lu Mu do anything, but asked Grandpa Lu to put away the bowl, so Grandma Lu dragged Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan to the kang while talking.

"I heard that the secretary of the village party came to the door yesterday before he finished walking, because of the second child of Awei's family?"

Lu Mu didn't know where Grandma Lu heard the news, but she nodded without concealing it.

"I knew it," Grandma Lu slapped her thigh, and said with a bit of resentment, "Your mother's eyelids are as shallow as a plate, and her eyes are more than lotus pods. When Awei's daughter-in-law was pregnant, she had to go to water I don’t agree with you hiding in Jinshi. When you split up, you will clean up your choice. If you have something to do, you will go to your place. What is the cost of living in Jinshi? What did she say? You living expenses, can she give you living expenses? I don't believe it."

Yu Xiaowan glanced at Lu Mu.

Grandma Lu really knew Mother Lu, Li Ying did not mention living expenses when she went to Jin City.

But later, Li Ying took out dozens of dollars, and somewhat embarrassedly mentioned the money Lu Wei left for her, but she didn't spend it, and wanted to use the money to buy something for the couple, but she was seriously ill. It's not convenient to go out, so I just leave the money to them.

Naturally, Yu Xiaowan would not ask for her dozens of dollars.

Grandma Lu was still chattering, "At the beginning, she knew how to hide and hide. This child is born, and she will make a big fuss about the full moon. Who doesn't know what she has in mind? Didn't she just want to charge a few more money? I don’t care about the money, now it’s all right, the family planning company will come to the door to see which value is it?”

Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan listened to Grandma Lu complaining, after all, they couldn't say anything about these things.

However, the conversation changed in the next second, and Grandma Lu took Lu Mu's hand and asked, "I heard that your mother still wants Longlong Guo to send it to you?"

 Thanks for the monthly pass of the wooden man, okay!
(End of this chapter)

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