Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1038 What are you talking about?

Chapter 1038 What are you talking about?

"No, I just mentioned that Longlong will raise it for us first."

Lu Mu replied lightly.

"Hmph, didn't I just think about sending it to you? She said that Longlong is your child, so do you still want your own child? Her heart is really in the armpit. What did you two say?" ?”

"Grandma, my mother didn't insist on letting us raise it. My father didn't agree, so my mother didn't insist."

Lu Mu replied truthfully.

Now that Grandma Lu heard the news, it is estimated that other people know about the same.

Grandma Lu snorted coldly, "Even if your father still has a conscience, how much you have paid for this family over the years, grandma has the account in her heart, and she has almost paid back what she owes them. The separation of the family a while ago was the last bit of love." I have returned all the points to them, otherwise, you think I won't go and make trouble with them?"

"Grandma, the separation is voluntary, so you don't have to worry about it."

Yu Xiaowan was worried that Grandma Lu would be angry because of those things, so she also persuaded her.

She knew that grandparents still favored them, and the more they were like this, the less they could let the elderly worry about them.

Grandma Lu patted Yu Xiaowan's little hand, and said with relief, "I know, you two don't want me to worry about it, but there are some things that your mother has done too much, Lu Mu, grandma told you, you You don't owe them anything, the family is separated now, you and Xiao Wan can live a good life, and you will have another child later, and you will be complete. As for your mother and this family, it doesn't matter if you don't care about it, you know, that's... "

"My wife," came Grandpa Lu's voice, followed by someone who lifted the curtain and walked in, looking at Grandma Lu's face with a gloomy expression, "What are you talking about? A family doesn't speak two languages, even if Awei's mother is partial , it’s enough for the two of us to protect Amu.”

"We protect? How long can we live? How long can we protect?"

Grandma Lu's eyes turned red as she spoke.

"Grandma," Lu Mu called out in a low voice, took Grandma Lu's hand, and comforted her, "I've grown up and don't need anyone to take care of me anymore. Don't worry, nothing will happen to my mother. It's a matter of principle. I won't just give in."

Just like a child, he can pay the fine for his elder brother, but he won't adopt Longlong.

Because he was not the only one who was wronged like that, but also his little daughter-in-law.

"Good good..."

Grandma Lu didn't know what to say, she took his hand and nodded persistently, saying several good things in succession.

I don't know whether it is better for Lu Mu to grow up, or not to be protected by others, or not to be patient...

Coming out of Grandma Lu's house, Yu Xiaowan let out a long breath.

Lu Mu touched her little head, "What's wrong?"

Yu Xiaowan curled her lips, but didn't hide anything, "It's nothing, I just feel tired every time I go back to my hometown."

It's only been two days since I came back, and so many things have happened.

She really couldn't handle it.

You know, she was not very good at managing interpersonal relationships, and she didn't need to worry about these things in her previous life.

Although there is Lu Mu now, the mood is completely different from using an assistant.

She will worry about him too.

I even feel sorry for him, I really don't know how he lived in the past twenty years.

Naturally, seeing the worry on the little guy's face, Lu Mu stretched out his hand to pinch her little face, and comforted her with a smile, "There's nothing to worry about. Don't you always say that any problem that can be solved by money is not a problem? Find a chance to give the money to the eldest brother, and the matter will be resolved."

(End of this chapter)

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