Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1039 Why didn't you let me tell Amu?

Chapter 1039 Why didn't you let me tell Amu?

"That's not necessarily true."

Yu Xiaowan was very skeptical that Mother Lu would have any troubles when she saw that they had really paid such a large sum of money.

Lu Mu didn't speak any more, but shook the little hand in his heart vigorously.

On the other side, after Lu Mu took Yu Xiaowan away, Grandma Lu questioned Grandpa Lu angrily.

"Why didn't you let me tell Amu just now?"

"What did you say? That his current mother is not his mother? What about his mother? You can't tell him that he jumped out of a crack in the rock? Or did you pick it up? You are getting more and more confused."

Grandpa Lu shook his hands, also looking displeased.

"But if you don't say it, I, Mu, will be bullied to death by them. He sees that we are getting old and can't control anything anymore. He is getting more and more presumptuous. He doesn't give anything to Ah Mu when we divide the family. The family is divided, and they still have to drink Amu's blood, how could they be so heartless."

The more Grandma Lu talked, the more distressed she became, and finally she couldn't help crying.

Seeing his wife crying, Grandpa Lu couldn't bear it, and stepped forward to comfort him.

"You don't have to think too much. Didn't Amu say that he wouldn't let them bully him? Besides, our Amu is a capable child. When you didn't get the land, you didn't worry that he wouldn't be able to eat, drink or be hungry. Is he hungry? Look now, is he hungry? He drove back in the car and bought us so much food and clothing. Which one can compare to those old sisters in your village? Jiaxin, I think Jinshi has gained weight in the past six months, and she looks better than when she was a girl at home. If they have a hard life, can they raise each of them so well? Jiaxin gave it back to me Give me 200 yuan for pocket money, saying that she earns it from work, and the children are all promising, so you just worry about it here."

"Jiaxin give you back 200 yuan?"

Grandma Lu stopped crying and looked over, "She gave me two hundred back. She told me to buy delicious food, why would she give it to you? Did she want you to secretly buy wine and cigarettes?"

The corner of Grandpa Lu's mouth twitched.

Originally, I wanted to comfort my wife and let her not worry, but I didn't expect to slip the tongue.

"No, I didn't say that. Besides, shouldn't the child respect me at all? Amu gave you hundreds of dollars, and I didn't give me a cent."

Every year when Lu Mu came back, he would give Grandma Lu pocket money, especially this year.

Grandma Lu definitely didn't want it, but she couldn't screw her grandson.


"You still want Amu's money? Why do you want so much money? Huh?"

Grandpa Lu instantly felt that he had poked a hornet's nest, so he kept his mouth shut and dared not speak, so naturally he didn't want to hand over the money.

That's because the granddaughter respected him. Every year the grandson gave the pocket money to the old woman. He couldn't drink more bottles of wine if he wanted to. It was hard for the granddaughter to be considerate of him once.


When Lu Mu and Yu Xiaowan returned home, the yard was quiet, and Lu Jiaxin ran to their room when she saw the two of them coming back.

"Where's the family?" Lu Mu asked.

"I went out. I haven't paid off the things I borrowed yesterday. Dad and brother went to return the things. At noon, I heard that my father said that I would go to my aunt's house after returning the things. My mother disagreed and had a fight with my father." .”

Lu Jiaxin replied like a bean, as if it had nothing to do with her.

It's no wonder that when Lu's mother separated, the water that was thrown by a married girl, even if she divorced and came back, she was no longer a member of the family, and it broke her heart, not to mention Lu's later actions. up.

(End of this chapter)

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