Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1091 It's Too Bullying

Chapter 1091 It's Too Bullying
"Lu Mu, who is the person in Lin Dongyang's heart? I haven't heard him mention it for so many years. Is it the female classmate who went abroad?"

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaowan is really curious, what kind of woman is worth waiting for Lin Dongyang for so long.

Lu Mu took the book she handed over, rubbed her little head by the way, and said with a smile, "Okay, don't worry about other people's affairs, your brain is not big in the first place."

"Lu Mu, this is the second time you have despised me today. If you do this again, I will get angry."

Yu Xiaowan gritted her teeth and replied.

It was just too bullying.


There were bursts of lightning and thunder, and in the afternoon, heavy rain finally came.

Accompanied by the strong wind, the bean-sized raindrops slapped on the glass windows, making a crackling sound.

Inside the room, Xu Hao frowned and looked at the documents in his hand. The executive in front of him stood bowed at the desk, looking cautious.

There was a sudden thunder, which made him shiver.

At this time, the phone on the desk rang.

Soon the secretary's sweet voice came, "President Xu, Luo Qiang is here."

"Let him in."

Xu Hao handed the document in his hand to the subordinate next to him, with a somewhat cold voice.

"There's nothing to say about this project. If Haoxin can't win such a project, you don't have to stay with me any longer."

"Xu Shao!"

Luo Qiang entered the office and yelled when he saw Xu Hao with a gloomy face.

Xu Hao raised his hand, motioning for him to go over.

Luo Qiang took a few steps and came directly to him, and said something in his ear.

I saw Xu Hao's face became even more gloomy, "It's really him?"

Looking at the subordinate next to him, he said sharply, "What are you still doing here? Waiting for me to teach you how to do things?"

"Yes, yes," the subordinate nodded repeatedly, bowed his body and retreated.

Seeing that the office door was closed again, he looked at Luo Qiang and said, "Say clearly."

"It's just a coincidence. Monkey and I have been checking on Wang Tao's situation according to your instructions, but after checking, we found that not only we were checking on Wang Tao, but also a group of people were also checking on the previous incident. , we didn't say anything, and found out that it turned out to be that kid Cheng Feng, I was thinking, is he trying to reverse the case for his father?"

Xu Hao frowned slightly, and couldn't help being surprised, "Isn't Cheng Feng still in school? What ability does he have to investigate this matter?"

The reason why they didn't think about Cheng Jianbin was because they knew Cheng Jianbin.

Just like what his father said, he didn't make any troubles about this matter at the beginning, and for such a long time in the past, he would not bother.

After all, no matter how hard the retreated people are, their reputation will be better.

Cheng Jianbin is a die-hard, hard-working man who never pays attention to those things.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have taken advantage of this loophole.

"Hey, what school do you go to? He had an internship at the beginning of this year. This kid is also crazy. He didn't want the job assigned by the school. He went to work with Lu Mu. He probably didn't have to go to school anymore. With time, he started looking for other things. gone."

Speaking of Cheng Feng, Luo Qiang still had a headache.

Cheng Feng was more familiar with that factory than he was. Even though Cheng Jianbin was no longer there, Cheng Feng was Cheng Jianbin's son. He grew up there, and everyone around him had some affection for him.

In addition, Cheng Jianbin had a good reputation when he was the director of the factory, so if Cheng Feng wanted to inquire about something, it might not be impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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