Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1092 Don't let people catch the handle

Chapter 1092 Don't let people catch the handle

On the contrary, they had to guard against Wang Tao in addition to using some small means, and it was really difficult to act.

Xu Hao probably thought of this too, he took out a cigarette case from the table, lit it in his mouth, and took a deep breath.

"Since there are those who don't know how to live or die, teach him a lesson."

Luo Qiang's eyes lit up when he heard the words, "Okay, I'll just wait for Xu Shao's words."

After speaking, I can't wait to do it.

"Hey, come back," Xu Hao called out.

"What else?"

"Pay attention to the seriousness, don't make an accident, let alone let people catch it."

Father's current situation is very bad, and at this juncture, there must be no more mistakes.

However, Luo Qiang's ears felt a little...

"Xu Shao, no way, buddy, it's the first time I see you, I'm afraid, but a college student who just graduated, teach him to look forward and backward?"

"Don't talk nonsense, just do what you are told."

Xu Hao frowned helplessly.

"Okay, got it."

Luo Qiang responded happily this time, opened the door and left the office.

Xu Hao smoked one cigarette after another, until he finished one cigarette and twisted the cigarette butt in the ashtray, then picked up the phone on the table.

"Hey, it's me."

When the phone was connected, Xu Hao spoke simply.

The other party seemed to be taken aback for a moment, followed by a mocking voice, "Hey, does the sun come out from the west? Why did Mr. Xu remember to call me? Could it be the wrong number?"

"Wang Kexin, can you stop being so eccentric? You say every day that I'm looking for women outside, and I don't look at you. Which man can bear this all day long? Why didn't you go home last night? Didn't I tell you, go home at night Come and stay, don't always run to your father-in-law's house, making people think there is something wrong with our husband and wife relationship."

As soon as Wang Kexin was obedient, Hao laughed even more, "Is there a problem with the relationship between husband and wife? Is there any problem with our relationship? I'm afraid those women go to your house less often than me, right? Those who don't know think I'm the one who brought you What kind of woman is at home?"

"Since you know that you don't come back every day, as I said, since you are married, you have no intention of divorcing you. If you are obedient, I may not be able to live with you well. It is you who have refused to come back, and I am also a As an adult, if my wife doesn't come back, I will naturally find another way to relieve myself."

Xu Hao frowned tightly. If it wasn't for his father, he really didn't want to deal with this woman anymore.

Always put on a holy and noble appearance, he married a wife, not a virgin.

Even a fairy has to go down to earth sometimes, she is good, she is not as big as usual, if you give her some color, she will follow her face more.

"Xu Hao, do you still have a conscience when you say this? Is it because I don't go home or are you forcing me to go home? Every time I do one thing in front of my parents, I do the same thing when I get home. Blame me, Xu Hao, let me tell you, you are not a man."

"Am I a man, you don't know?"

Xu Hao interrupted her complaining, and didn't want to say anything more to her.

"You'd better come home at night, and besides, that incident has changed, by the way, remind your father."

"what's up?"

Wang Kexin also asked.

"What's not clear to you?"

Xu Hao didn't explain any more, and hung up the phone directly.


(End of this chapter)

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