Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1097 Mr. Lu, Your Chapter is Coming

Chapter 1097 President Lu, You Are Back
"Grass," Cheng Feng cursed in a low voice, and before he could utter the obscenities behind him, the car screeched to a stop on the side of the road.

Immediately afterwards, the doors on both sides opened, and several big men with tattoos on their arms came down and went straight to him.

Although Cheng Feng has just stepped into society, he is not a fool.

Seeing that the situation was not good, he turned the bicycle around and rode in the opposite direction desperately.

Soon there were men's low voices and the sound of feet stepping on water.

Cheng Feng's heart became colder and colder as the voice moved from far to near.

Finally, the back of the bicycle was hit hard, and his whole body fell out.

Cheng Feng, who fell out, rolled on the spot, touched a brick by the side of the road, and faced the menacing men, he went up to it...


Lu Mu returned home smoothly all the way. As soon as he opened the door, he heard Yu Xiaowan's sweet singing voice, humming a tune he had never heard before.

In the air, there is a faint smell of chicken soup.

It seems that the little guy is in a really good mood today.

The sound of closing the door alarmed the people inside, Yu Xiaowan stuck out her head and was a little surprised to see Lu Mu.

"Ah, Mr. Lu, you are back."

After talking, he had already run to the door, took out a pair of slippers with a little graciousness, and took the umbrella from Lu Mu's hand by the way.

Ever since Yu Xiaowan heard that everyone was talking one by one Mr. Lu on the day of the move, this guy likes to call him Mr. Lu even if he has nothing to do.

At the beginning, Lu Mu was not used to it, and always felt that she was teasing him.

Of course, she was making fun of herself.

Later, when I got used to listening to it, I felt a bit naughty intimacy.

"soy Mujer."

Lu Mu sighed, stretched out his hand to embrace him involuntarily, and kissed him directly.

It was raining outside, and even with an umbrella, it was inevitable that we would be drenched in the rain.

Yu Xiaowan frowned with disgust, looked at his shoulders that were drenched in the rain, "Hurry up and take a bath, come over to drink chicken soup later, and I have another dish to fry."

When the voice fell, the man had already run away, faster than a rabbit.

Lu Mu turned his face to look at his shoulder, and chuckled lightly.

After taking a shower and changing into clean home clothes, Lu Mu came out again and the dishes were already on the dining table.

Simple three dishes, plus a bowl of chicken soup.

Yu Xiaowan doesn't know how to cook, let alone meat, Lu Mu knows, and he won't let her touch these when he's at home.

On the contrary, after moving here, without Lu Jiaxin as a helper, she tried to cook again.

Looking at the little woman busying around in a cartoon apron, Lu Mu's heart suddenly warmed up.

All his efforts and struggles were probably just for the warmth of this moment.

Yu Xiaowan also heard the voice at this time, and seeing Lu Mu not far away, he ran over, his smiling face brighter than the March sun.

"Come quickly, try my chicken soup."

"Why do you think you are so good today? Is there something wrong?" Lu Mu asked.

Yu Xiaowan's face froze, "Is it so obvious?"

Lu Mu nodded in agreement, "It's really obvious, it's all on this little face, is there really something wrong?"

Yu Xiaowan filled a small bowl of chicken soup and laughed a few times.

"Didn't I tell you before that the Academy of Fine Arts will organize a sketching activity for students? You promised me that you will leave next week and come back in a week or so."

"It's only been a week since you came back. Are you sketching going to other places?"

(End of this chapter)

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