Chapter 1098
Lu Mu, who was sketching from life, knew it. He thought it was just a place to spend a day with a good view in the area, so he didn't think much about it.

Yu Xiaowan pointed her fingers weakly, "It's not very far away, it's the ancient town of S Province, the scenery over there is good, and the cultural landscape is also good, don't worry, I'm with the team from the Academy of Fine Arts. If you open the back door, you can play for a few days."

Lu Mu lowered his eyes and looked at the chicken soup and thought for a while, "Eat first."

Yu Xiaowan curled her lips and knew it.

At the beginning, Lu Mu agreed with him, but what he agreed was that he would go with her.

Now that the company is so busy, he definitely doesn't have time to go out with him.

But with his classmates from the Academy of Fine Arts, he shouldn't be so stingy.

Just as I was thinking, a pair of chopsticks stretched out, "Don't think about other things while eating, it will affect digestion."

Seeing that Yu Xiaowan wrinkled her small nose again, Lu Mu picked up the chicken soup and took a sip calmly, "Today's chicken soup tastes good."

Immediately, those big eyes lit up, "Isn't it? Let me just say, I'm still very talented. I followed the method Jiaxin told me step by step, and I added a lot of supplementary ingredients. medicinal materials."

Yu Xiaowan replied with a smile while bowing her head and taking a sip.


One couldn't hold back, and almost spat out a mouthful of chicken soup.

A small face wrinkled into a ball, eagerly looking for something.

Lu Mu casually pulled out a few pieces of toilet paper and handed them over. Yu Xiaowan took them and spit out all the chicken soup in her mouth, and took several sips of water before she calmed down.

Complaining with a bitter face, "Why does it taste worse than traditional Chinese medicine?"

Looking at Lu Mu again, he also had a resentful look on his face, "You are even worse, you lie to me even though it is so bad to drink."

You know, what she is most afraid of drinking is traditional Chinese medicine.

It's just killing me.

Lu Mu didn't take it seriously, took a few sips calmly, and nodded seriously.

"I'm telling the truth, the taste is really good, although it smells a little like Chinese medicine, but what else do you want it to taste like when you put Chinese medicine in it? It must have some Chinese medicine smell, and I believe it should be like your That’s pretty much what you said.”

However, no matter what Lu Mu said, Yu Xiaowan felt that he was comforting herself.

"Lu Mu, otherwise, don't drink it. I'll stew it for you tomorrow. I think it will taste better than this."

"This is very good, how can my wife's heart be wasted?"

The two were talking when the sudden ringtone of the mobile phone interrupted their chat.

Lu Mu reached out to touch the phone, and quickly picked it up.

And the look on his face became serious and gloomy after answering the phone.

"What did you say...which is the situation now...Okay, I'll come right away."

Before hanging up the phone, he stood up.

"What happened?"

Knowing that he was going out, Yu Xiaowan quickly brought the coat for him.

While changing his clothes, Lu Mu said, "Dongzi's phone call, Cheng Feng was beaten on the road after get off work, and he is in the hospital right now, I'll go and have a look."

"Cheng Feng was beaten? Who is so bold? Is the injury serious? I'll go and see."

When she heard that it was Cheng Feng, Yu Xiaowan couldn't stay still anymore, she turned around and was about to change clothes, but Lu Mu grabbed her.

"It's so late, and it's still raining outside, you just wait at home, I'll go and see, and call you if there's anything."


(End of this chapter)

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