Reborn 1990 group pet sweet wife

Chapter 1118 Sugar-coated Cannonballs

Chapter 1118 Sugar-coated Cannonballs
It's just that every child is the experimental product of the parents. If the experiment fails, there will be no chance to do it again.

Lin Zheng nodded in agreement.

"Well, did he analyze with you when he will be able to bring a wife back? Who complained to me two days ago that the little bastard is annoying, and a 30-year-old man can't even have a girlfriend. Can't find it, is this mother worrying about it for a long time?"

"Oh, why do you always come to expose my shortcomings?"

Wang Weikang said dissatisfiedly, "Can we still have a good chat? He told me about this issue. He said that now that the company is on the rise, he really doesn't have time to date. When the company stabilizes, he will naturally find a girlfriend." Friend, and your son also said that with his current worth, he is a proper diamond king, because he doesn't want to find a girlfriend, as long as he nods, the girl can go around the second ring road of Jin City."

"I think you're quite proud. If you really want to be a girlfriend around the second ring, I'll see who's in a hurry."

Lin Zheng shook the newspaper and gave a cold snort.

"Whoever likes to be in a hurry, whoever is in a hurry, anyway, I'm not in a hurry, as long as I can hold my grandson, but then again, Dongzi wouldn't coax me like this before. When he resigned quietly, I was really happy." Angry, even if the market situation is not good, but with you here, he will definitely not be able to lose his job, but this kid is unreliable. Now it seems that I am short-sighted. I can’t go wrong with that kid Lu Mu , I read the newspaper two days ago and saw Zotye’s report. From Jinjian to Zotye, how long will it take to squeeze into the list of individual enterprises in Jin City, and then win the commercial street project, then in... ..."

"Hey, I said, Professor Wang, let's not treat this kind of thing. The co-authored cannonball is sugar-coated?"

Lin Zheng put down the newspaper, raised his hand and interrupted Wang Weikang's words.

Finally heard what Wang Weikang said.

"I knew it. That kid came back that day and dragged you and said that nothing good happened for a long time. He returned bird's nest and cosmetics. Since when has he been so courteous to you?"

Wang Weikang stretched out his hand and slapped Lin Zheng, "You man, why do you think so badly of your own child? Can't the son honor his mother? Or are you jealous when you see your son treating me well?"

"I'm jealous? I'm afraid you will be attacked by that kid's sugar-coated bullets. Professor Wang, Teacher Wang, you must pay attention to principles."

Lin Zheng reminded in a deep voice, but didn't say anything more.

It's just that he didn't say it, it doesn't mean that Wang Weikang just let it go.

"What principle? You are too rigid, so I don't want to tell you what my son has to say, and I didn't tell you to do something illegal. The commercial street project is under your control. Lu Mu and Dongzi Their company happens to be doing this, and their strength is good, so this in itself is not a big problem, as long as you are fair and notarized, and there is no black box, I believe that Lu Mu and the others can win this project based on their strength."

"What camera obscura? You are talking nonsense, nothing."

Hearing Wang Weikang's words, Lin Zheng frowned, looked at her and denied.

"No? In my opinion, you are the biggest black box. Don't think I don't know. You didn't think about your son and the others in this project."

Now that the words have come to this point, Wang Weikang also wants to have a good talk with him.

(End of this chapter)

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